A day late because yesterday was DoMH's 15th (!!!!) birthday, so I was kind of busy.
Day 5
In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Okay, so I've been all over the place as far as reading goes lately, so I'm going to share a variety of fandom recs this year.
1. I'm starting with a Star Trek fic that was recced to me on Twitter. It's Spock-centric, and made me laugh a lot, mostly because I could totally see it happening. Basic premise? Spock having to explain human behavior to Vulcans.
Some Translation Required by waldorph, Star Trek
2. Okay, so other than Clint/Coulson, I don't really have an OTP for the MCU, which means I'll read a LOT of pairings. That's how I found this delight, which is Tony/Bucky. Or more accurately, Tony waking up with amnesia and *thinking* there's a Tony/Bucky. It's funny and sweet and I adore this sarcastic, confused, pining Bucky.
100 Percent by Finely Honed(jaqen_hgar), Avengers MCU
3. Speaking of Clint/Coulson, yes I still adore them to no end. And tend to ignore relationship aspects of Age of Ultron. In this rec, I couldn't ignore Clint's family, and as it turns out, I was glad not to.
The Family Way by Laura Kaye(laurakaye), Avengers MCU, Clint/Coulson
4. I honestly can't remember how I fell into SW:TFA fic last year, but I'm so glad I did. The fic I'm reccing is about more Stormtroopers defecting to the resistance, once they hear about Finn. And I definitely recommend reading the works inspired by at the end as well.
Tomorrow (There'll be more of us) by dimircharmer, Star Wars:TFA
5. I'm ending with an author I absolutely adore, and had an extremely hard time picking just one fic for (so have several!). Normally in Flash fandom I'm all about Flash/Captain Cold, but nirejseki converted me to Cold/Heatwave pretty easily, because her Len and Mick are *such* an old married couple, while being completely in character. Smart, funny, totally in character, and with just the right amount of heart.
(a) Take this amazing fic, for example (part 1 of a 2-part must-read series), which contains a favorite trope of mine, the body-swap. I dearly wish we could have seen this on the show, but it's written so well I have no trouble picturing it.
The Habits of Married Couples by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len
(b) Or this one, where Len gets to let his inner geek shine.
Every Night's a Party by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Mick/Len
(c) There's a ton more, but I'm ending with this fantastic fic, told from Martha Kent's point of view. It's a wonderful what if, with the premise that Mick's family lived near the Kents, and the ways it changed his life (or didn't).
Not in Kansas (anymore) by nirejseki, Flash/Legends of Tomorrow/Supergirl/Superman, Mick/Len, Jonathan Kent/Martha Kent
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http://mizface.dreamwidth.org/98455.html where there are