Recap of Jan 16, 2016

Jan 17, 2016 11:25

Why? Because it was my birthday :) Plus I promised myself I'd try to be more active here, so this is a nice way to ease into that.

So, yesterday I gave myself permission to ignore anything I didn't want to do, and just have a day of fun. It went splendidly.

Yesterday I:

Slept in until 7:00. Which I know is still early, but given I'm usually up by 5:45, totally counts.

Read for a bit, got caught up on emails, and just lounged, which was heavenly Kidlets were still asleep (win!). I also got caught up on more Snowflake posts, including reading the wrap-up and comments (which made me cry happy tears, just a little).

Got serenaded (loudly, and with as much voice cracking as possible) by my adorable DoMH around 9:00. And instead of birthday spanks (which we don't do) he offered the alternative of "punches in the kitty nose," which is a silly thing we actually do to the cats, just light bonks. It's also what I threaten the kidlets with when they're making me crazy (I also threaten to sell them for medical experiments. One day they'll see Meaning of Life and get the reference). I declined said punches, and DoMH went off to be loud at his sister.

Finally got up for real, and we all showered to go to breakfast. Because I didn't want to cook, plus my favorite breakfast place had sent me a birthday coupon (I LOVE birthday coupons).

Had a delish meal of scrambled eggs and blueberry pancakes w/homemade blueberry compote, while kidlets and I played "Kiss, Marry, Kill." That part was ZP's idea.

Got serenaded by ZP, with the "look like a monkey" version of Happy Birthday. She also made sure folks everywhere we went knew it was my birthday.

Went to Half Price store, because they sent me a birthday coupon. Found a couple of excellent DVDs of compilations of Broadway performances.

Made our way back home, where we packed kidlets to go to their dad's, and then finally watched the Doctor Who Christmas special, which was great fun. I think it's one of my favorites, but then, with River Song in it that's practically a given.

Sent kidlets on their merry way with their dad, after many, many hugs and kisses from them (especially ZP).

Relaxed at home, reading and watching one of the Broadway DVDs, until my platonic soulmate came over. Then we visited until it was time to go to a late dinner. Bonus - I didn't have to drive!

Met more friends for dinner at a new-to-me and utterly fabulous pizza place. And I have leftovers from it - hooray!

Went to Rocky Horror Picture Show, which I haven't done in years. The crowd was so full of babies who definitely weren't even alive when it first came out. But they were enthusiastic, and we all had a great time.

Came home and got to sleep with less fuss than I'd expected. I thought it would take longer to wind down.

Slept in until 10:30, which is unheard of, even when I do stay up ridiculously late. And I have nowhere to be today, plus it's a 3-day weekend. I feel so spoiled!

Not a bad start for my 48th year here. :)

This entry was originally posted at where there are

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