2015 Birthday Promptathon - Day 6

Jan 16, 2015 23:49

Well, we've reached the end of another birthday fest. As always, it's been a blast! And as always, I didn't get to all the prompts I got. I do have one or two more in progress, so watch for post-birthday offerings :)

To finish things off this year, I have another prompt from ride_4ever, who asked for Stuff of Legends fic. Here's the song prompt I used to fill it:
Prompt: "Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." - Bob Marley

Hope you like this little timestamp, Ride!

“You keep watching me when you think I'm not looking. Is there something I need to know?”

Zhu'Thah'lleh cocked her head in thought, then shook it, smiling toothily. “You are different. That'sss all.”

“Am I? Is that a bad thing?”

“Always worried about the worst. That hasn't changed. But no, nothing bad.” She cast a glance toward Ray, deep in discussion with Bull. Fraser followed her gaze, cheeks pinking when Ray looked up long enough to give Fraser a wink. When he looked back at her, she could see the fondness in his eyes, backed up by determination.

“You're referring to Ray, my relationship with him. You think he's changed me.”

“Not ssspecifically. But yesss, Ray isss a part of it.” She looked Fraser up and down. “He isss good for you.” Fraser seemed surprised by that; it was a bit annoying. “You thought I would disssapprove?”

“I honestly wasn't certain. We are, in many respects, very different. There are many who would see us together as an impossibility.”

Zhu'Thah'lleh nodded. “And that isss why you work. You thrive on imposssibilitiesss. You sssee challengesss where othersss sssee only endingsss. You find alternativessss. It issss your gift, asss much asss any given by your god.” She patted his hand, and repeated her earlier statement. “Ray isss good for you. You are good for him too, I think.”

“I try,” Fraser replied. “He's like no one I've met. He does things that make me crazy, at least some of them on purpose. He puts himself at risk when he shouldn't, and refuses to help at times I feel he should. He steals for fun and profit, has little respect for the gods. And yet is one of the finest men I know, better than some highly respected in the church.”

“You worry he won't ssstay.”

“No.” Fraser hesitated. “Yes. But he's said he will, and I believe him. It's more that I worry he'll feel he has to leave, and for the wrong reasons.” He sighed. “Ray's had a very hard life, Zhu. And not a lot of reason to believe any anyone. That he's put his trust in me is quite frankly overwhelming. And wonderful. And a huge responsibility.”

“You have alwaysss been resssponsssible.”

“Yes, but not like this. Not with someone's heart.” Fraser rubbed a hand over his face. “I don't want to hurt him. But we're so different. And I've no experience in this kind of thing.”

“You will hurt him, sssometimess,” Zhu'Thah'lleh said, matter of fact. I wisssh I could tell you differently, but it would be a lie. And he will hurt you. It isss life. The only thing you have to decide is whether or not he isss worth the possibility of future pain.”

“He is.” Fraser's tone brooked no argument. Not that Zhu'Thah'lleh thought it would; she may never have seen Fraser in love before, but she knew her clutch-sib. Once committed to something, he put his whole heart to it.

“Then ssstop borrowing trouble and enjoy the now, sssilly boy. Go sssave your Ray from whatever foolish plan Bull hasss concocted today.”

“That is a fine idea.” Fraser leaned in and kissed Zhu's cheek. “As always, you have the best advice, even when I didn't know I needed it.”

She sat back and watched Fraser make his way over to Ray, a satisfied smile on her face. “That is what sssissstersss are for.”

birthday prompt, due south fic

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