Bleach, Bleach, Bleach.

Jan 06, 2009 23:20

Signs mizbean has joined another fandom.
~ 4 of the 6 tabs on my browser are devoted to Bleach sites
~ I've been squeefully paging through my newly-purchased Bleach character guide SOULS all evening.
~ I have the sudden, fervent urge to seek out Gin Ichimaru slash.
~ I keep having to remind myself that I still have an hd_prophet issue to post before I go to bed.

Disclaimer: I'm not leaving the Harry Potter fandom behind. In fact, these two posts by regan_v remind me of how creative and fun HP fen can be: If the Marauders had Livejournals and Harry & Co.: The Sequel.

Seriously, though, SOULS is a godsend to me. I've been having a hard time keeping the various characters' names straight and referring to them in my head as the blind guy, the blond emo lieutenant and dude with the tattoo on his cheek just wasn't cutting it. Plus, there's lots of pretty pictures to look at, and my God, the Byakuya/Renji UST couldn't be more palpable. :DD I stretch my hand out to the moon again tonight even though I know I can never reach it. Renji/Moon OTP! I have to thank f for pointing me toward this book.

I have an interview tomorrow that I'm mildly optimistic about. It's for a temporary position, covering for someone going on maternity leave -- she's having twins and going on early medical leave, so the position could last as long as four months. It's really not the type of work -- newsletters and presentations, mostly -- that I want to do long term anyway, so I guess that's just as well, and maybe by late spring ad agencies and design firms will be hiring again. I sure would like to find a job with some longevity.


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