Been so long...and I always say that anymore....

May 06, 2011 07:29

So again it's been many months since I last posted. As I keep saying, most of my computer time is devoted to the addictive Treasure Isle and Farmville games on Facebook. If I'm not online, then I tend to be asleep, or doing household stuff.

We recently moved my laptop into a spare bedroom that we'd intended to be our computer room. Nine months of living here and there's still so much unpacked...and we have to move again in three months, so it almost seems not to be worth bothering with now.... Anyway, having my computer out of the front room makes it harder for me to do laundry and dishes on one hand, because I have nothing to listen to (mp3-wise), but then on the other hand, I don't have as much of an excuse not to finish tasks when I'm away from the keyboard. Not sure if that makes sense. It's 7 AM-ish right now, but I haven't slept yet, so I'm not focused.

I've been thinking that I'd like to get back to using lj as an actual journal. I don't know if I'll make most of my posts private or if I'll leave them open to just friends or to the public. But since I spent money on a permanent account years ago, I figure I should get my money's worth of use out of this. FB is great for short blurbs that people may or may not reply to, but sometimes I'd like to ramble...although people may or may not reply here too. LOL.

I'm not sure, but I think most of my friends on lj have abandoned ship. I glanced over my filter and I see that Ith, Nin, Havoc (whom I still want to call Bast, LOL), Red (whose lj name has slipped my mind), and a few others still post, but I didn't see anything from anyone else. BTW, I hate, hate, hate how lj wants to show me only 10 posts per page. What's up with that?

I'll try to post more soon.
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