Yesterday, thanks to
pixieballistic telling me about it, I went to a
Healing Festival in Ogikubo, which is just west of the main metro-Tokyo area. My purpose of going was not to get healing myself but really to meet people and make contacts and get ideas because I have decided that I think my real purpose on this planet in this life is to be a great teacher and spiritual healer, but right at this stage I don't really know what to with myself.
I talked with a total of three individuals, but spent the most time talking to a woman who does what's called "Gestalt Psychotherapy". Basically she had no one sitting at her table at all and was even reading a book, so I decided to go and talk to her and was allowed to do so for the entire 2 hours that I was there! (Kinda sucks for her but it was interesting to say the least!)
She gave me some ideas and told me to just get my name out there and just keep practicing. She was going to get in touch with someone she knew and ask if she'd be interested in giving me some advice.
I also spoke to the main clairvoyant hosting the festival, but didn't even know it because she was letting the admissions girl take a break, taking over her duties for a few minutes, JUST when I came in. So she is the first person I talked to. I can't really remember all that she told me because I was sort of winded since I biked there, but at the end of the session while everyone was cleaning up (of course I did my best to help where I could!) she told me that I needed grounding... XD Which I know is totally true. I get really excited and full of energy and just kind of stay there.
Anyone who knows me in person knows that I can ramble and get really excited and talk really fast for unusually long periods of time. Natural healers, natural psychics, and a lot of people in my generation and younger are simply made of a higher vibration of spiritual energy. It's not hard for them to be so "wired" at all but on our current plane of life, it takes grounding to really be effective.
For those who don't know, "grounding" is connecting with lower, earthly energies in the earth to bring your energy to a calmer, composed state. It's helpful to do this in the morning for many people because your soul is just re-entering your body after sleep and grounding helps the soul make that transition much more smoothly. Many people (including me, I know..) wake up wishing they could still be asleep, constantly yearning for that freedom you experience while dreaming or while unconscious. But grounding is also really helpful for people who are prone to anxiety or excitability like me.......
Basically what I do is imagine roots growing from under my feet DEEP into the earth, rooting me naturally and firmly into that energy. For me, this feels very good because I love trees and their whole physical connection to the earth I find both touching and fascinating. Some people imagine beams of energy shooting straight down from their feet, some people feel it is necessary for them to actually touch soil or walk barefoot on the ground. It all works, it's just a matter of what brings that calm, earthly, rooted feeling to you best.
Anyway, the third person I talked to was this lovely woman named
Nicole Mizoguchi. She is an African-American who started out just doing what she calls "soul portraits". She makes flashes of color on paper and fills them with details that she gets intuitively about the person. While she does the drawing she often intuitively gets messages or images about the person and so she can kind of do readings at the same time. Even while we were talking, she picked up on something in my life without even trying. She was just trying to explain how sometimes you have to just go with the messages you're getting even if the client doesn't agree with you - they may just not be on the same track of thought or they may be flat out denying it. For an example she said, "I could say to the person, 'Hmm, yeah it looks like you really don't know what you want to do with your life right now.' And she could go, 'What? No, I know exactly what I'm doing.' And I'd listen to my messages and go, 'But you totally just quit your job, you so don't have a clue!' And she'll go, 'Hmm, well, yeah I guess you're right, since you put it that way, haha.' So you never know! You just gotta go with what you're seeing and not think it over." And I said, "Wow that's really interesting because what you just said is exactly what's going on with me right now!" And she had this like "Crap, I totally didn't mean to do that =_=;" look on her face XD
But yeah, she was very helpful and had a really bright and expressive, young-looking face and disposition. Big bright eyes and a really warm smile. I really LIKED her, but I felt that everyone there other than that psychotherapy woman thought I was kind of all over the place T_T
I've been told by many people that I have a very high vibration of life and that I often get misunderstood because of that. People think I'm overanxious or tell me I need grounding, and while it never hurts to do that, I'm naturally at this state and too much of this grounding can actually bring me down (This I know now from experience. I can't wear hematite for this reason. It's too heavy.. I start getting depressed and the area that I'm wearing it will get sore.)
I run into two types of people when I meet healers and readers. Some people work very well with me while others I feel are constantly looking at me like