Domain was registered on April 15, 1999. The same year, the cult movie "The Matrix" was released, the 6 billionth inhabitant of the Earth was born in the city of Sarajevo, and Britney Spears' debut single Baby One More Time topped the world charts.
On April 15, 2021 LiveJournal turns 22 years old! LiveJournal celebrates its birthday and gives you a card with a bright event that happened the year you started your blog!
What happened in your life the year you started your blog?
⇒2004 is the year I started university. I remember always our matriculation card number started with 04, which indicated we were the batch of 2004.
I started blogging long before 2004 though, in 2002 when I was still in JC. I remember clearly because I remember blogging in our school library. lol It was back on
UJournal which died sometime in 2004. Thankfully I was able to backup most of my entries and port them over to livejournal, so my entries here date back to 2002 even though I only officially created the livejournal account in 2004!
In any case, Happy Birthday to Livejournal!!
And looking forward to more years and decades to come!