AO3 Stats

Nov 13, 2015 14:32

Stole this idea from hils and because she made me curious. I'm pretty sure all of my fic are on AO3, although a lot of them were originally posted on LJ and got most of their traffic here.

Account Created: 29 Jan 2010
Link to AO3:
Total Works: 188

Total Wordcount: 436'546
Average Wordcount: 2322
Longest Story: Le quatrième Mur (SPN), which is my (still incomplete *hides*) translation of entangled_now's Fourth Wall series. As for my own work, and completed story, the longest is Borrowed Heaven (SPN).
Shortest Story: Bubble of Happiness (SPN)

Total Hits: 393'068
Average Hits: 2091
Story With the Most Hits: Bonds of Power (Teen Wolf)

Total Kudos: 17'697
Average Kudos: 94
Story With the Most Kudos: Tell Me What You Eat (Teen Wolf)

Total Comment Threads: 494
Average Comment Threads: 3
Story With the Most Comment Threads: Behind Closed Eyes (Teen Wolf)

Total Author Subscriptions: 226
Total Story Subscriptions: 147
Story With the Most Subscriptions: Bonds of Power (Teen Wolf)

Total Bookmarks: 3832
Story With the Most Bookmarks: Bonds of Power (Teen Wolf)

It makes sense that my Teen Wolf works got the most attention on AO3 since that's when I started using the archive to post directly there. Almost everything else on there is technically a repost. I'm very happy Bonds of Power is my most successful fic, as I'm very very proud of it. (I still don't know why people seem to love Tell Me What You Eat so much, though. It's just a silly thing I wrote that I had so much trouble with I ended up cutting all the plot out of, vaguely reworking until it could hold on its own, and posted thinking "whatever, it'll do, I just want to be done with that thing and move on now". XD)

english, fandom, writing/écriture

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