Holiday Ficlets

Oct 26, 2015 15:09

Hi guys. I don't know how many of you still check LJ regularly, but I figured I could post this here too.

I want to write some ficlets for this year's Christmas/holidays for my friends. Becausse I'll be attempting NaNoWriMo in November, I don't really know how many I'll be able to get done by the end of December but I want to try to get a little something done for as many of my lovely friends as possible.

I'll be aiming for very short things, between 500-1000 words (so between this length and that length if you're not used to word counts, which you guys should be, so whatever XD) unless something gets out of hands and grows into a monster. :P

So, what would you guys like? I can't 100% guarantee I'll manage to write you something but I'll try my hardest! Please don't answer in the comments but by filling this google survey thingy so that I have everything in one place, thank you! <3

english, friends/amis, fandom, writing/écriture

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