Morgan's Fall Semester - Opening Fic Commissions and Beta Services!

Jun 08, 2015 01:43

I'm sharing this post to help out a friend. she's a talented writing and an overall fantastic human being, so if you can, please consider helping her? <3

Originally posted by morganoconner at Morgan's Fall Semester - Opening Fic Commissions and Beta Services!
I've been feeling really great about stuff for the past few weeks, so I probably shouldn't be surprised that a few days after my birthday, it goes to hell again. This morning, I received the following letter from my school:

Basically stating that I am no longer eligible to receive financial aid for the duration of my time at STCC, because too much time has passed between my first time attending and now. After looking over their guidelines, yeah, there's no way around it. I can appeal, but the appeal will not be granted...too many of my old credits are being used for my new degree. I'm not even eligible for the fresh start option because I completed my first degree. There won't be a last-minute save like last time.

So this is another appeal to my friends and fandom community. Last time, when I needed to make the first payment for school, I offered to write commissions, and have the commissioners pay what they felt the story was worth after it was finished and posted. I'm going to try my luck at that again. My bill, including what I'll need for books, is $2700. My first payment will be due August 6th.

I need to do this, guys. I can't give up. My first semester back was the best I've felt about my life in a long time, and I kicked ass at it. I have to at least try to keep going. So, message me, e-mail me, smoke-signal me, whatever. I will write anything you want! I can even do fun things like handwritten ficlets on postcards that I will mail to you. :D And I'm also willing to offer beta services, if that's something you could use more than a story.

And then, after, if you could be kind enough to click HERE, I would be very greatly appreciative. ♥

My main fandoms:
* Teen Wolf
* Avengers MCU
* Stargate Atlantis
* Hawaii Five-0
* Supernatural

There are lots of pairings, and if you're not sure if there's something I'll write, you can always check!

Okay, that's it. Thanks, everyone. ♥

friends/amis, writing/écriture

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