Teen Wolf 4.02

Jul 01, 2014 11:14

My jumbled thoughts after yesterday's episode.

Damn, the Hales were rich! Like, loaded. Why the hell did Derek lurk in his destroyed house in season 1, in that bus station in season 2, and why is his loft so empty? (Since Peter also lives there, you'd think he would have brought more furnitures, at least...) At least now we know why none of the Hales are bothering getting a job.

My guess for the person behind the heist (I'm supposing this is the mysterious "Benefactor" TW social medias were going on about?), I'd say either Parish or his partner (because god forbid having a bad guy be someone we don't know). It's probably Parish, since he seems to be such a nice guy.

Of course Peter failed teaching Derek control the proper way. (Why the hell did Talia think it was a good idea to even let him try?) Peter is a failwolf, this has been estalished before, between failing to form a pack properly, his daughter being a werecoyote instead of a wolf, Kate being an Aztec werejaguar thing... Of course he's the one who taught him to use anger as an anchor, making Derek the sad, angry man he is today. Thanks Peter! (Although he still looks hot. Like, I can't wait to be in the same room as Ian in Birmingham. *.*)

On the Failwolf Peter Hale subject, I'm not sure if he actually suspects who Malia is or jut creepily thinks she has pretty eyes that remind him of someone he was attracted to but has now forgotten about. If Peter is attracted to Malia, that's pretty twisted. (I doubt the show will go there though, it's pretty good at hinting at things and then going "haha, jk".)

Speaking of Malia, well at least it makes sense that she's completely lost at school, you know, since she spent all her previous years as a coyote in the wild. Writers getting a star for making a little bit of sense here... except for the fact it makes no sense they'd even TRY to put her in a normal class. She's supposed to have lived in the woods all these years officially, are you really telling me they'd throw her in high school after a few months, instead of giving her private lessons to catch her up properly? O.o

Still speaking of Malia, her behaviour with Stiles is very stalkery. Like, wow, hello abusive relationship, in which Stiles is pretty much prisonner because he can't say know because he's scared of her. Abd Scott going "haha, good for you Stiles, you finally have a girlfriend". Way to be a douchebag, Scott. I really really hope they adress that in the show and don't end up with Stiles and Malia seen as a normal couple.

Now I'd like to say, just to be clear, I like Malia, overall. I think she's an interesting character, if treated properly. Her lack of social skills (literally, not just "I'm awkward lol"), her lack of basic knowledge about, well, most things, it allows for great character developement and good story-telling. So does her desperate, stalkery crush on Stiles, really, but I can't stress enough the if treated properly part. I really really hope the writers know what they are doing. The past makes me very weary of them pulling a Twilight on us though. "Haha, look, Malia being all possessive of Stiles is so cute and romantic." Please no. Please don't. Please be good.

Speaking of storylines. Poor Derek. Poor baby Derek, being used and abused again by a woman (granted, it's not a new one, but still). He was doing better angst-wise at the end of last season. This will do him no good, will it? T.T

As for Lydia and Kira, stepping into that bloody mess to take pictures would get them into so much trouble with the police. Like, way to disrupt a crime scene! (The Beacon Hills police must also have quite a file on Lydia, what with her finding so many bodies, all the time. It's no secret she's extremely smart, there must be someone wondering if she isn't a serial killer or a future serial killer or something.)

Oh, oh, also, was I the only one whose mind went to Peter/Stiles when Stiles said "I think she knows I'm not telling her something" and Scott went "about Peter?" XD I know that's not what they were talking about, obviously, but my brain went there anyway. ^^

Also, how the hell are Derek's eyes back to yellow? How does that even make sense, the deaging took him back to after Page. Or did his leaving Kate to save Scott (which makes no sense btw, since he barely knew him and knew Scott had lied to him about his family, but whatever, let's say part of older-Derek was still there and pushing him to trust Scott or something), did that, like, redeem him from having taken an innocent life? If it's all about moral choices, then hs eyes shouldn't even have been blue in the first place, really. Ugggh, writers, please make sense of this?

Also also, lol at Stiles introducing Derek as Miguel again, and at the whole scene with Scott's dad, really. That was awesome. Also, young Derek pushing Stiles against the wall/door. Yusss, delicious, and fun throwbacks to season 1 too. :3

Now, for things I hope for the future:

The Malia situation being treated properly regarding her lack of social skill/knowledge
The Malia situation being handled properly regarding her unhealthy relationship with Stiles
A good, unexpected twist about who the person behind the heist was (but I'm not holding my breath)
Peter finding out who Malia is (look at the way he treated Cora in 3a, Peter still cares about family, I want touching and awkward moments with them)
Kira not only using katanas but also, you know, her electric Kitsune powers?
More of Kira being a cutie-pie
Lydia learnng more about her powers
More of Lydia being badass and smart and awesome
More of the pack being a pack and working together (like, come on, why the hell did they not think of getting Peter to the clinic when Derek was uncouncious? He's his nephew, and also he's pretty involved in the whole Kate situation. Come to think of it, why didn't they include him in their trip to Mexico?)
Explanations that make sense

Turns out, I'm hoping for a lot of Malia-related things, which comes as a bit of a surprise to me. ^^

I warned you these thoughts would be pretty rambly, sorry not sorry. ^^

(Also, yes I know, I still need to send books to people, sorry, I got busy with exams and stuff.....)

tv, teen wolf, english, ian bohen, fandom

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