A Bang and Stuff

Jun 01, 2013 14:49

Sign ups for the third round of teenwolf_bb are now open!
All story types and pairings are accepted.

Rules and Information
Sign Ups: Author | Author/Artist Team | Artist | Beta | Cheerleader

So I signed up for it, in the hope of finally finishing that Hogwart AU I've been working on since, oh, late November? To be fair, I did very little writing in December, and basically none this year up until a few weeks ago... >.>

Also, I'm still making videos on YouTube (and in French too) of me playing video games. I'm pretty sure entangled_now is the only one interested, but who knows? :P

Also, exams are next week and I'm not ready (mostly because I skipped a few classes) and it's gonna be horrible. But after that, yay holidays! :D

Also, Teen Wolf season 3, another thing I'm not ready for, oh no. But excited anyway! :D

I need to make a real sort of update here, but that'll probably have to wait until after the exams. ^^

video games, real life/tranche de vie, big bang, harry potter, teen wolf, youtube stuff i made/trucs que je fais s, uni, video, writing/écriture, minecraft

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