Latest Fanfics - Mes dernières Fics

Nov 01, 2012 10:03

Here's the list of all that I've written in October. (Again, I've written more but there are things I won't post for a while still. Patience, my loves. :P)

Behind Closed Eyes
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, NC-17, 2940 words
The first time it happens, Erica thinks she’s just having a dream. A very hot dream. Or in which the bond pack has a very peculiar way of manifesting itself when things between Derek and Stiles get...interesting.

Fragile Thing (or on AO3)
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, NC-17, 1916 words
Stiles is tired of being the fragile one.

In the Shadows of Night (or on AO3)
Teen Wolf, Peter/Isaac, background Derek/Stiles, NC-17, 9247 words
When Isaac signed up to be a werewolf, he didn't know the deal included sharing a roof with a creepy undead thirty-something guy who might be trying to seduce him. And Peter can be very persuasive and surprisingly considerate when he wants something. As Isaac tries to figure out his treacherous feelings while battling nightmares about his father, Derek is looking for the Alphas and trying to protect his pack. And if that means spending most nights with Stiles doing research, well, it's really none of Isaac's business.

After Dark (or on AO3)
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, R, 4142 words
Stiles has been trying hard to stay out of werewolf business. Even when he stumbles upon the dead body of a neighbor, he lets the cops and Derek's pack take care of things. But fate doesn't care that he wants nothing to do with the supernatural, it would seem, and Stiles is going to end up in the middle a zombie crisis whether he wants it or not.

Voici la liste de ce que j'ai écrit en octobre.

Pouvoirs, responsabilités, bla bla bla (ou sur AO3)
Les Bleus, premiers pas dans la police, PG, 216 mots
Dans lequel Alex a la poisse.

Etranges Coutumes (ou sur AO3)
The Avengers, G, 208 mots
Les traditions, c'est important.

Don't wanna be... (ou sur AO3)
Buffy contre les vampires, G, 399 mots
Alex cherche quelqu'un avec qui fêter Halloween.

Citrouilles et chiffons (ou sur AO3)
The Big Bang Theory, Leonard/Penny, Howard/Bernadette, Sheldon/Amy, PG, 577 mots
« Faire des lanternes en citrouille n’est pas si difficile, je t’assure ! »

Le Manoir Summers (ou sur AO3)
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, Scott/Allison, PG-13, 2395 mots
Dans lequel la meute organise une soirée d'Halloween dans une maison hantée.

Traditions (ou sur AO3)
Teen Wolf, Derek et Stiles, PG, 1385 mots
Derek soupira. Pas pour la première fois, il maudit intérieurement Boyd d’avoir accidentellement éventré l’ordinateur portable de Peter. C’était la dernière fois qu’il laissait ses Betas sans supervision pendant la pleine lune; Erica les convainquait toujours de faire des bêtises.

fic: buffy, fic: tbbt, français, english, fic: teen wolf, fic: les bleus, fic: the avengers, fanfic

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