
Oct 31, 2012 20:44

So, I remember vaguely reading somewhere about a Canadian version of Primeval, so when I saw "Primeval: New Wold" on eztv I figured I'd check it out, just because, you know, Dinosaurs. I'm so glad this isn't a reboot but an actual spin-off though! And it has Niall Matter as a lead! Oh, my baby, I fell in love with you the first time Zane showed up in Eureka, and now you're running around chasing dinosaurs, I'm so proud of you! *pets him*

Also, we get to see Andrew Lee Potts as a guest star in the first episode, and he's being all kinds of adorable and badass at the same time, as only he can do.

To be honest, I'd probably still atch it even if it was boring, just because Niall and dinosaurs, but I actually think it's not bad at all. I like the way it's link to the UK show but not completely, I kind of like the characters, and I'm gonna use a cut before I go into spoiler territory. Btw, if you haven't seen the British show I think you can probably still watch the US one. Probably.

So, spoilery thoughts about episode one. I love that Evan is the kind of boss to employ a cute Bitish guy for no real reason, and then promote him (sort of), and that no one questions it. (Though I'm suspecting there will be an actual reason revealed later on that won't be because he found him attractive, but hey.)

I like that there's an agency dealing with the weird stuff, because I'm pretty sure there actually is, and that it probably looks pretty much like this. Aka, they have nohing to do and aren't taken seriously by anyone, but you know, they're here and they have protocoles and stuff, just in case.

In conclusion, yes Primeval NW, I'll be watching you, and I hope I'll be enjoying you, because really watching people run around trying to hide the dinosaur threat is always fun. I has a happy. :)

yay!, tv, english, happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, primeval

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