TV Shows

Oct 17, 2012 20:36

It's been a while since I haven't talked about the various TV series I'm watching. I'm gonna put things beind cuts so I'm sure I don't accidentally spoil anyone, but I'll try to stay pretty general anyway.

I really wanted to like this show, but the whole "vigilante taking revenge for reasons unknown" left me a bit blah. Especially since he doesn't kill the targets of his revenge trip, but does kill the grunts. Also, magical hood staying in place hiding his face. I kind of like the best friend though, and the cop (I miss The Dresden Files!), and they did a fantastic job at making the main character look younger in the flashbacks. For now I'm going to give it a few more episodes, but I'm really not convinced.

I was so behind on Castle, it's one of the shows I kind of left asside during The Year That Wasn't (that's how I'm calling these, like, ten months during which I mostly just played Minecraft, fell in love and got my heart broken, and sort of abandonned you guys, I'm so sorry... T_T). But I've been catching up! I've just finished watching season 4 and I'm about o watch the four episodes of season 5. I haven't been spoiled, so I have no idea if they're changing up things, what with Beckett quitting at the end of season 4, them getting together, all that, or if they're gonna spend one or two episodes to bring things back to the previous status quo, but either way I really like this show and it's humour and I'm looking forward to it. Also, oh my god the episode with Adam Baldwin, that was epic!! Also also, why does Tahmoh Penikett always play the bad guy? Also also also, I was so annoyed when Beckett went all "oh in the original story Little Red Riding Hood doesn' die..." YES SHE DOES! Because the Perrault version of the tale, the one in which she dies, was written in 1697, whereas the Grimm version, in which the hunter shows up and saves her, was published in 1812, over a hundred years later. (Yes, I'm touchy about my fairy tales!)

I gave up on Elementary after two episodes. It's not bad in itself (though I guess pretty much everything in episode two), but it doesn't have that spark, that something specia that hooks you up. Also, it's supposed to be a Sherlock Holmes so it's supposed to be brilliant, but it isn't, it only pretends to be. Blah. Sorry Lucy Liu, I love you, you gorgeous woman, but that's not enough to keep me interested.

Oh my God this show is so funny! I know season 2 aired this summer, but I only finished watching it recently because busy. It's hilarious, and the characters are so over-the-top and yet still kind of real, and I know it's exagerating ut that's pretty much what I feel like is happening almost every time one of my beloved British TV series gets remade in the US. Also, lol, "we can't do werewolves, MTV has werewolves". XD

Yet anotherone of the shows I had fallen behind on. But as soon as I watched one episode I just had to catch up with all of them, because Haven is just awesome. Somehow I always forget how much I love that show. I really hope this isn't the last season, but that whole Hunter thing gives me a bad feeling about this. I love you Haven, even if you do tease us with OT3 feels all the time, on purpose!

Hawaii 5-0
Catching up on this one is going slow. Season 2 so far is okay but not thrilling (I'm at episode 8), and I have more interesting things to watch. Which is sad, because I really like H5-0 and I have quite a few friends who are excited about season 3 and say it's really good, and I want to be excited with them and enjoy the show with them.

Major Crimes
I'll admit it, I only watched this (after I saw a friend mention it on twitter) because Ian Bohen was going to be in it. :P The first few episodes I had trouble connecting with the characters, but that's probably just because we were already supposed to know them from The Closer, which I've never watched. Also, I felt like I was missing some important part of the sory regarding the characters' relationships, again because I was. But I figured kept watching and before I knew it the show kind of grew on me. Also, it was weird to watch President Laura Roslin and Peter Hale together. I don't know yet if I'll keep watching when it comes back or not.

It's back! I really like that show, it's fun and youthful and underneath its air of "who cares about what the story really is like" there's actually a lot of care put on how to take a story that has been told a million times already and make it different and surprising and still kind of true to the original. However, except for Morgana who went crazy-evil, and Gwen, there is little character growth and it's getting frustrating. I'm both sad and glad that it's the final season, sad because I love that universe and these characters, glad because they're starting to really go in circles with some plot. Also ugh, still no magic reveal ans three years gap during which only Gwen really changed (she makes a great queen!), why? Though I appreciate half-naked knights.

Once Upon A Time
I have mixed feelings about OUAT. On the one hand, I like the whole idea it came from, I like how they changed the stories to make them all epic and wound them together and all that. It had a The 10th Kingdom feel to it, and anyone who's ever talked with me about The 10th Kingdom knows how much love I have for the miniseries. (seriously, if you've never seen it, check it out because it's awesome!). It annoyed me bit last season when they mixed in non-Grimm stories like Pinocchio, which was written over 70 years after the Grimm tales, because it's not the same universes and doesn't make sense, but I brushed it off because it kind of worked. But this season, they added Mulan and Lancelot, and no. Just no. How do you even justify that? How does it work? It doesn't work! And it's annoying, because I actually really like the characters (and the actors), but it just makes no sense in that universe so it rubs me the wrong way. Mixed feelings, as I said.

I'm not even sur why I started watching Revenge, since the whole taking revenge theme isn't my favorite. I think it was Tyler Hoechlin and JR Bourne tweeting at each other about how great the show was that did it. I don't regret it, I'm really enjoying this show. I don't care that much about Emily (though the actrice does a fantastic joband her character becomes a bit more rounded with time), but all the other characters are facinating, and I just adore Nolan, Nolan is the best.

I see a lot of potential on this show, but right now that's about all I see. I don't know, it's not bad, but I'm not hooked. But then, I wasn't hooked by supernatural right away either. I think for now I'm gonna stop watching it, but if people tell me when the season's over that I should catch up I'll be ready to give it another try.

Well, this season already seems better than the two previous ones, but it's only been two episodes, so we'll see. There are a few things that I'm not quite pleased with character-wise, but that's always the case with this show. Now that I'm kind of officially out of this fandom though, I'm ready to just watch and enjoy it like it's any other show. I kind of want to see more of Benny, and I really liked Kevin's mom (everyone did, I think). Also, I want sheriff Miller and Felicia Day back.

The Big Bang Theory
It is back, and it is hilarious! I had missed it so much!! I have nothing more to say. <3

The Walking Dead
It's still gruesome and violent and awesomely full of zombies! :D But I don't know what happened, I've grown a bit 'meh' of the characters. It felt like there wasn't much going on in this season premiere, even though there was actually a lot happening. I'm looking forward to see where the thing with the prisoners is going to go, though.

ian bohen, hawaii five-0, i'm insane/je suis folle, major crimes, h50, haven, fairy tales, english, elementary, castle, once upon a time, the walking dead, merlin, 10th kingdom, arrow, fandom, dresden files, big bang theory, tv, episodes, supernatural, revolution, revenge

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