Video Game Rec: Octodad!

Jul 15, 2012 00:29

Octodad is a little indie game made by students of the DePaul University. In it, you are an octopus pretending to be human. You need to keep up apparances even though the way you move or try to grab objects is... well... I think the word I'm looking for is "special".

The story itself is a bit silly, but the fun part of the game is that the controls are very very difficult and the character just look so silly, it's hilarious!

The game is completely free. You can find it on the official website. Also, the are working on a sequel.

I'm doing a Let's Play on it, but in French. It's going to be 3 episodes of about 20 minutes, posted every week-end. So yeah, it's a very short game.

english, video games, video, rec: game

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