Japan Expo and Comic Con France

Jul 11, 2012 12:30

So, I'm back from Japan Expo/Comic Con France (which is one Con split into two parts) with a few goodies and an idea for my dragonbigbang. You can blame camille_miko for the Arthur/Merlin/Gwaine epic I'm going to write. Wherein Arthur gets turned into a dragon. <3

Japan Expo was awesome! I was there with two guys from my Minecraft server, the sister of one of them and a friend of the other. We met up with another guy from the server at the Con itself. To be honest, I was more interested by he Comic Con side of the thing (I'm kind of out of touch with most things manga), but the whole Con was lots of fun! Also, I got to spend some time with my lovely camille_miko and ate a penis-shaped caramel that was delicious. XD

On Saturday I was wearing a cosplay of Saya, in the anime Blood + (and no, the way French people tend to pronounce the word "blood" will never stop grating my nerves). I'll post a photo in a Friends-locked entry later. ;)

I hate public transports in Paris, and especially the B lign of the RER. I swear, I thought I was going to die, Sunday evening. And let's not even talk about Sunday morning, when we gave up trying to get on that bloody train after one hour at the Gare du Nord and went back to the hotel to get the car. Or how to waste over two hours.

Anyways. All in all it was worth the trouble, the long train hours, the backhaches and the painful legs afterwards. I don't know if I'll go back next year, it'll depend on wether I have someone to go with, but I'd like to. :)

france, real life/tranche de vie, friends/amis, fun!, convention, paris, english, japan expo, writing/écriture

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