Jul 01, 2011 17:01


So yeah, after much freaking out and a lot of waiting, we finally got our exam results today. So this afternoon I let my father take the dog for a walk (I'm usually the one who does it) and instead I jumped on the tramway to go to Uni. Yeah, because ours is the only faculty of Geneva U that doesn't send the results via the Interwebs. >.>

ANYWAYS! I arrived right on time (they give the enveloppes out from 2 pm to 4 pm) and had to wait, since some people had been there even before me. When I finally got my enveloppe, after what felt like an hour but was probably no more that fifteen, maybe twenty minutes, the first thing I saw inside was THE FREAKING "CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING YOUR BACHELOR DEGREE" PAGE! Oh gosh, I can't tell you how excited that got me. I was like "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!!!!!" After that there was the whole "blah blah, ceremony on December the 2nd (yup, really), blah blah e-mail us to let us know if you're doing a Master's degree blah blah blah" and then, finally, my exam results, which I knew by then I had all passed, otherwise I wouldn't have had my degree. XP

So, for those of you who care. Remember we're graded from 1 to 6, with 6 being the best grade and 4 being the minimum passing grade.

Texts Analysis and Writing 2 (French): 4.50 Considering I barely showed up three or four times to this class (each time feeling like I had wasted precious time afterwards), this is okay. I could have done better if I hadn't had four exams in two day. I knew I hadn't done fantastic at that one, so I'm okay with it.

Writing Workshop (Italian): 4.00 It's the one I was very very scared about. My Italian is not great and the subject we got at the exam was really not inspiring. I know I can thank the other teacher who graded the paper, because she likes me and probably convinced the other teacher to give me the passing grade. 'Cause 4.00 can mean two things, eiher "I don't like you but can't give you a failing grade on this" or "this is not very good but not so bad and I like you, so here, have the passing grade". I AM SO RELIEVED!!!

Documents Research and Organization: 5.40 That was my last computing class (basically we studied all the thousand things search engines can do that you don't always know about and how search engines work, then we studied Access). It's a good grade, and I know where I lost the points I lost, so there. ^^

Languages for Specific Purposes: 5.90 This has me so excited!!! LSP was the one class this semester that I really loved! It was interesting and challenging and really got me thinking, and really it's one of the best classes I've had since starting uni. I studied a lot for that exam, because there were so many things to know and I really really wanted to do well, AND I DID!! :D :D

Intercultural Communication and Translation: 5.10 I'm quite happy with that. :)

Applied Lexicology: 4.90 I could have done better, but I know exactly what I messed up (two questions on Melcuk, really??), so that's okay.

I HAVE MY BACHELOR'S DEGREE!! And next year I'll have translation classes again, I really missed it this year, what with their stupid class schedule. I have a lot of thinking to do regarding the Master's options, and I gotta finish packing since I'm leaving tomorrow morning for two weeks. I'M SO HAPPY!!! :D

yay!, happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, omg!, real life/tranche de vie, langue/language, english, uni, holiday/vacances, exams

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