Summer and Games

Jun 27, 2011 23:46

So, Summer is back. I say "back" because it was already there during the Spring, but the temperatures had cooled off for a while... Today, I felt like I was going to melt! And I couldn't even stay inside the flat, where it's reasonably cool, because I had no Internet again and I really needed to send an e-mail. What e-mail you may ask? Well, the one to book photo ops for JIB Con of course! ^^

Anyways, so the Summer is back, and it's the holidays, or it will be once I've got my exam results this Friday. So, what's my plan after that?

Well, I'm leaving with my folks on Saturday, going to spend two weeks near Pierrefond, Not too far from Paris. I will have an Internet there, so don't worry, I'm not going to disappear. If some of you watch BBC's Merlin, Pierrefond is the casle where they shoot. We intend to visit castles (there are a lot in this area) and read books and relax.

When I come back I'll be working for a week at Uni, which during the Summer basically means opening the computer room, sit there all afternoon in case someone shows up (like students working on their Master's thesis) and closing the room at the end of the afternoon. Yay.

In the last week of July I'll spend three days in London with friends sarah_umi and musardine. We're going to see David Tennat and Catherine Tate in Much Ado About Nohing, but also the Betty Blue Eyes musical, stop by the Doctor Who Experience and do some touristing and/or shopping, nd it's going to be awesome.

I'm working again a couple of weeks in August, and hopefully I won't be studing for the Summer exams (how do you call the exams you're re-taking 'cause you failed the first time?). And in September, right before Uni starts again, I'm going to Berlin for a week-end to see some friends I met when we were studying English in New Zealand in 2007. Last time I saw them was in Liverpool in early 2009, so I'm really looking foward to it. :D

So, that's my Summer in a nutshell. What are your plans for the Summer, friends? Tell me everything!

On a completely unrelated topic, I found out that one of my favorite games, The Werewolves of Thiercelieux, had been translated into English (under the name The Werewolves Of Miller's Hollow), and I was wondering if it was as well known as it is around here?

It's a fun sort of free-speech roleplaying game, where all the players get assigned a secret role (either a werewolf, a villager or a special character) and every "night" the werewolves kill a villager and then the villagers have todecide who they suspect to be a werewolf and lynch them. It's really fun, especially when there's a lot of people playing. Ever heard of it? ^^

catherine tate, games, fun!, uni, family/famille, yay!, merlin, new zealand/nouvelle-zélande, friends/amis, convention, just for the fun/juste pour s'amuser, internet, tv, supernatural, exams, david tennant

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