Perfect Day To Start This Meme

Feb 18, 2011 16:19

Stolen from all over my flist. ^^

Every day for 30 days, you post something good that happened that day. Don't mention any bad things near the meme!

Day 1/30

Today, I found these in the post. Which made this day suddenly awesome, even though I was still stressed about my exam results. I am so excited about going to see that play!! Even better, they arrived just after sarah_umi e-mailed me to tell me she might actually be coming with us to London. :D

Then I went to Uni to get my exam results (yeah, we're the only faculty where we have to go all the way to Uni to get our results, all the other ones get them via Internet >.>), and guess what? I PASSED ALL MY EXAMS!! So unless I mess up in June, I won't have to retake anything in August. :D

Okay, here's the details. Just so you know, in Switzerland, grades go from 1 to 6, 6 being the best (and almost impossible to get at Uni (though I did get one in Translatology and one in Economics in the previous years)), and the passing grade is 4.

Texts Analysis and Writing (FR): 5.04 even though I was sure I had failed at this one. I don't even know how this is possible! I don't care, this is an awesome grade, especially with this professor!

Specialized Texts Analysis and Writing (FR): 5.45, no real surprise there, the exam was so easy!

English Language Analysis: 5.80 *grins*

Writing Workshop (EN): (aka the awesome course with awesome!teacher) 5.40, which is really good since I wasn't thaaaat happy with my essay.

US Culture: (aka the History class, the one I was soooo scared about and I almost only studied for that one) 4.00 Yeah, you read it right. With all the crazy studying I did for it, I barely passed. I don't care, I passed it, got my credits, and will never ever again take any class with this insane professor!

French to Italian Translation: 4.62 for the semester, which means around 4.8 for the exam itself, since I did a paper in November that counted for 1/3 of the semester and got 4.2 at it. This is actually much much better than what I expected, and gives me some confidence for the Writing class I'll take this semester. :D

Translation Technologies: 5.50 easy peasy. :D

yay!, catherine tate, real life/tranche de vie, friends/amis, english, uni, london/londres, meme, exams, meme: good things, david tennant

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