you will die this way

Mar 07, 2008 11:59

- i have a feeling chris doesn't want to see/talk to me anymore. i don't know. or care anymore. it was nice while it lasted. i'm not going to sit around sulking about it. MOVING ON.

- i don't have any stds, which is awesome. i got tested last week and the doctor thought i had chlamydia, turns out i don't. HOORAY. it was just a urinary tract infection. WOOOO.

- work is going to SUCK BALLS this weekend. i work 2:30 until close (which will probably end up being until 11) on saturday, and then sunday i work TWO shifts - 6am-11am, and 5:30pm-2:30am (or until we get done). it's physical inventory night. counting everything in the store. it's going to suck. suck suck suck.

- i'm sad that i won't get to play smash bros brawl on release day because i have to work/sleep all day. lame. :(

- the state of maryland sent me a letter saying i owed them 155k. i was like HOLY SHIT and went down to some office and turns out, it was a typo. but i still owe them 1,552 because apparently my mom didn't make the last two payments of my tuition like she said she did. way to fuck me over, mom.


stds, chris, bills, boys, i'm boring, video games, work, sexual health

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