rant rant

Apr 11, 2006 01:00

so i haven't updated in awhile.


i've been hanging out with michele a lot. seeing a lot of movies and eating a lot of denny's. making fun of a lot of people and doing a lot of stupid things. woo. alex came to visit michele last weekend and we had a sweet party at michele's. getting tipsy and playing video games. cherry cake! <3 then we went go karting, mini golfing, and out to dinner the next day.

work at the pet store has been alright. i'm qutting in a few weeks, hopefully (i'll die if i don't get this new job). i just can't stand working there with robin anymore. that 35 year old pathetic cunt drives me nuts. last week she wore these ugly green sparkly heels to work. who the fuck does that? maybe if you had no fashion sense and worked at a bank or an office...but at a fucking pet store? ugh. jan and doug (owners of store) are in florida for a few weeks and they pretty much left her in charge of things. this pissed me off more than anything. i have been there way longer than her and i know how to do things. she fucks everything upUGHGUHGLKSDSJFSDKGJFSLDKG. before jan left, she told me my jobs were to PUT PAPER IN THE FAX MACHINE and GET THE MAIL. OMG these jobs are so intense. *dies* diediediediffghlkfdjghlkdfjgh.

oh. and 2 weekends ago robin smashed a baby ferret's head on the cage door. this makes me hate her even more. i wasn't there when it happened but i was told she hit it (accidentally...but PSSH you should take more caution with animals, fuckhead) and then it started wailing and bleeding. everyone freaked out and amanda took it to the vet and they fixed him up. josh took him home over the weekend until he got better. he looks fine now but...ugh. i can't believe she did that.

today she ordered some animals. i heard her on the phone with the lady we order from.

robin: 6 fire belly toads...
me: um we definitely don't need any toads. we have 8 in the cage. (CAGE = TEN GALLON AQUARIUM = TOO SMALL FOR 8 TOADS)
robin: WELL WHATEVER it'll be fine!!!!!!!! >:O!!!! we sold three over the weekend!!!!!!!!!! >:O!!!!
me: *dies + walks away before she freaks out and yells (last time i yelled at her for picking up a chinchilla by the middle of its tail and pretty much just tossing it into the cage she went crying to jan and i got bitched at. woo.)*

i could rant for hours about this cunt. so i'll stop now.

omg intense morning today:

at the store we have an upstairs (fuzzy pets, birds, reptiles + supplies...where i work!) and a downstairs (everything fish). kayla and i were cleaning animal cages in the animal room, and orin was downstairs cleaning some filter or something. orin and i both heard someone moaning and calling for help. i was like "wtf" and looked all around the store for this person...and then i looked down the stairs. an older lady is lying at the bottom of the stairs and crying out in pain. "oh snaps" says i, http://www.livejournal.com/update.bmlas orin calls 911 and i ask the lady what i can do for her. i called her sister for her and blah blah. then i sat down and talked to her until the paramedics got there. we later found out she broke 3 bones in her ankle and dislocated it. CRAZY.

yesterday a woman posted an ad on freecycle for 2 baby ferrets (9-10 weeks old, one boy and one girl) that she "didn't have the time or patience" for. michele, rob, and i drove an hour to mcconellsburg to pick them up. ugggghh. they reeked of pee. human baby pee. sick, sick, sick. and they're so skinny. you can feel their bones. it's disgusting. i don't understand how they could be like this. i'm positive this woman was seriously neglecting them. they both are really nasty biters. seems like they're vicious bites rather than "oh i'm a baby ferret play with me" bite. blah.

k. tired. goodnight.

fun, michele, ferrets, ranting, work

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