Sep 04, 2009 15:22
In general humans disappoint me and this is one reason I choose to make me invisible to most. I enjoy the intrigue that comes when watching other humans interact yet I am horrified if that interaction involves me or my character in a negative sense. I have spent the last few years wondering if I could have done anything different or been any more perfect.
As Voltaire wrote, "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" and stated to me just today in one of the quick but intense conversations with Mr. Mysterious, “perfect is the enemy of the good.” Oh, that is it. If I can not have perfection then I don’t want it. Perhaps this is why I live alone; and consider most humans a distraction in the overall scheme of my master plan.
I realize and acknowledge that I am what I humorously call a frustrated perfectionist; I have the disease of need to have every aspect of my being in perfect order. I strategize over the proper form, the best action and most of all over thinking and the analyze-ion as to whether or not my perfect world would be the best one to live in.
I have written countless words now gathering dust as un-posts on how my trying to make something perfect. I usually end up not only with nothing perfect, but often with nothing at all. Because “the perfect is the enemy of the good” I have nothing or perhaps I have just sabotaged myself into not having the perfect words to display.
In the past few years of my analyzing I have come to the conclusion that there is no perfect and no plan that evolves from perfect expectations. I think that somehow in trying to wait for the good, working on that perfect plan, looking for the “best” choice to make there are often sacrifices, choices that never allow for the completion of what “good” we wait for.
I believe that this great thinker who brought the quote to me should recognize the limits of human capacity as I believe after careful consideration was the warning implied in the quote. I have experienced time and again when I wish to implement a perfect utopia I will go to murderous lengths to achieve it, even at the price of insanity.
Listen. When will I ever learn? There is no perfect. No plan is perfect. I just know in all my struggles to find perfection that there is just no valid reason not to wait on perfect because perfect is so worth waiting on and will feel really good once I get it.