Note to self: Know your limits!!
I decided to try this out over at
10variations, I love this picture of L (I love everything of L, really...) so I decided to challenge myself at making 10 different icons of one picture, it seemed easy enough.
Keyword: SEEMED.
Maybe I shouldn't have picked the more advanced variation set challenge (duh.), but I just thought it was a good idea at the time.
Bad, bad idea. But either way, I really like how they turned out, with the exception of the blinkie... ::vomits:: I suck at those, it was to be expected.
Looking at this, I think I've taken another step in iconing. With this challenge I was forced to try branching out into different styles, which is probably a good thing.
All in all, my first actual challenge came out ok I guess. *is proud*
Catagory: Movies
Sub-catagory: Death Note
Subject: L
Image URL:
Click Set of rules used: The Second one
As usual, here are some rules for using my icons:
1) Credit isn't necessary, but it never anyone, right? ^^
2) Comments are adored, and make these 10 little bitches here worth making XD
3) Whatever you do, please don't claim these as your own...of course, why would you even want to? ^_~
4) Visit my
RESOURCE POST and check out all the wonderful places that I got my brushes, textures, patterns and tutorials.
Big old english
The "in" font
Dots and dashes
Glowy dot
Little framed pic
Huge black space
Repeat the pic
Desaturate all