No one else here really means anything to me

Jul 30, 2005 03:20

Ok, so tonight was KJ's last night in town. We're going to get together in the morning also, but let me say, he has been back for a month, and in my entire life I have not lived through a month that has gone by faster than this one. Of course, that's for more reasons than just KJ, but KJ's definitley part of it.

Bri couldn't come with us tonight. Which was sad, but we still had a good time.

"Had a good time doing what?" I hear you cry. Well, don't tell my parents, but we took a semi-impulse road trip to Flagstaff.

It was myself, KJ, Shaun, Adam and Eric.

We picked Bri up for dinner as she has a couple of hours each evening when we still have access to her. We went to the Waffle House, ate, and dropped Bri back off. I noticed she was wearing a pair of sunglasses that looked remarkably familiar. I think they might have been mine.

Anyway, we gassed up and headed up to Flagstaff. Not a bad ride up, a little bit of weather, but not bad.

We got there and quickly found my former roomate's current residence. We caught up for a while, then I showed the guys around. Then KJ and I smoked a couple of cuban cigars.


In the past, I would mention cigars to people and they would say, "I tried a cigar once, but I got sick after, like, a puff."

And then I say, "Pussy."

But friends, tonight that cigar got to me. I don't know if it was the elevation, or that I just haven't smoked anything in a few months, or that it was stronger than all but one cigar (which I smoked without a problem) I have had in the past, but after I smoked that until I couldn't hold it anymore I felt really naseous. So I gave the keys to Shaun and he drove us to McDonald's and we parked outside and ate for a while.

Me? I didn't eat much.

I ended up throwing up out the window something like four times.

And that was before I ate, so I don't blame the Filet-O-Fish.

Now, the thing that perplexed me, was exactly what those chunks were. I mean, it was eleven thirty, and the last thing I had to eat was a grilled cheese sandwich at five thirty. And those weren't cheesy chunks, y'know.

Anyway, the vomit didn't clear the car, really, it dribbled all down the side, and by the time we hit the gas station I was still feeling pretty lousy, so I made Shaun get out and squeegee it off.

Now, I was a little worried about Shaun driving all the way back, but I calmed down when I realized that I trusted Shaun to keep us alive, and if he got a ticket, that would be his ticket to bear.

Needless to say, we all made it back okay.

I'm feeling much better now, and we're going to spend a last few hours with KJ in the morning, but right now I'm thinking a little bit about Flagstaff.

I thought it was weird, but... understandable, I guess, the way the guys didn't really understand the places I showed them. And the way they didn't seem to want to see some of the other places I was interested in.

I realized tonight that Flagstaff is my town. And all the sidewalks, and the buildings, and the basketball courts, and the streets, and the stores will never mean as much to my friends as they do to me, no matter how fondly I talk about them.

I learned though, that scars and memories mean nothing. It's better to create one evening worth talking about, I've decided, than spend an evening talking about a hundred of them.
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