The Dread Pirate Roberts -- Princess Bride (mid-canon)
Westley hates waiting.
However, when one is mostly dead, there's not a great deal more one can do. Wait; practice your footwork, since you have no sword. Wait; watch for the door to reappear. Wait; remember Buttercup's hair. Wait; remember Buttercup's skin. Wait; try not to remember the Machine.
So there is one man -- no longer in black -- sitting at a table, watching the wall that ought to be a door, and remembering Buttercup's eyes.
Matt Ferrell -- Live Free or Die Hard (post-canon)
Things that are lame? Getting called by law enforcement, "just checking up on you, Mr. Ferrell."
Being on that goddamn list was bad enough, knowing you can't do any of the fun hacking without getting arrested. Help save the country, and they don't just keep an eye on you, they start calling you too. It's just -- annoying.
Matt is making himself feel better via liberal application of Red Bull, lounging in a booth with his bad leg stretched out on the bench. His laptop's open on the table; he's defragging, since there's no wireless signal here.