Hi guys, how are you doing?
it’s been a while isn’t it?
Sorry for the lack of updates here in Mix, and thank you very much to the kind people
who are posting things here! Your help is really precious!
So, as mod, other than our Founder
Hikaeru are left just me and
Heart283, but all three of us
are super-busy with our daily lives, so we can’t keep the community as updated and active as before,
and it’s really a waste. The boys deserve far better!
That’s why, a few months ago, I asked Eru if I could write a “searching for mods” entry, and now I finally have the time to sit down and write it down (better late than never).
As long as someone offers to be a mod, it should be ok to give that person the role, but honestly
I’m afraid that being a mod would end up different from what he/she thinks and touring in a bother
for that person, so I’m going to write down the duties of a mod, and what we need from him/her,
so that you can decide if candidate yourself with a realistic idea in your mind.
What mods needs to do:
*Update the news about all members and former members of Dance Family.
*Update at their birthdays some bday wishes if you have the time (but not a member yes and one no,
please, if you’re going to do it, just do it for everyone)
*Upload shows (both tv and radio) and performances in which the members appear.
*Upload stuff from official releases (magazine scans, official pictures scans, concerts/butai DVDs,
eventual CDs they take part of -for example butai soundtrack CDs-) <- I guess me and Leslie can help
with the DVDs/CDs ? What do you think Leslie?
What we need from a mod:
*At least one of the two mods we’re searching needs to know japanese.
We don’t need she’s super fluent or whatever, just that she can understand news that are mostly written
in japanese and bring them in english on Mix.
The 99,9% of news about Dance Family is in japanese only, and speaking frankly, I know for experience
how frustrating is to not understand news and have to bring them, no matter what…
And also how much time it takes for a person who doesn’t understand japanese, to try to figure out the
meaning of the news,and check if it's correct, bothering someone who know the language, and then
properly post it in the community.
*The two mods have to be (together) fans of all madozoku groups.
I mean, if one of the two is, for example, MADE and UchuuSix fan, the other one needs to be 4U. and Yara fan,
so that all the groups can be supported properly. It’s ok also if a mod is fan just of a group, and the other one of all groups, obviously, the most important thing is that each group will
be supported (and its news updated) in the equal way. In my case I’ve always liked all members, so I never got issues in it, but in other places I felt pretty bad when I had to do stuff
about things I didn’t care at all about, just because I was a mod, and I don’t want you to feel like that, or your “mod duty” will become just a source of stress.
*New fans can be mods, but just if they respect madozoku past.
This isn’t exactly a “required thing” for becoming a mod, but I wouldn’t be able to accept and respect a
mod who hasn’t the slight idea of the past of Dance Family and just became a fan because she/he simply
like a boy she/he saw somewhere in shows etc.
Dance Family members are talented in many aspects, and they’re the best dancers of JE, some of them
are even pretty LOL (ok, almost all of them, but I can be biased), but to want to become a mod just because
you find good looking, or fun, or whatever one of the boys, without knowing anything about their past, is in my
opinion a pretty big insult to their history, and to all their efforts and hard work during all these long years.
It’s ok if you at first don’t know anything, it’s normal, everyone is like that at the beginning, but go, read,
learn and above all understand their history, before to offer yourself for the position of mod.
We have family threes, schemes, and the awesome synthesis made by Eru about all the boys,
you just need to browse the community or ask us/people who is following them for years.
So, if you're interested in being a Mod here, please send me a message or drop here a comment.
Thank you very much and Happy Easter everyone!
Your mod Pel