4/10 Kabuki and Random reports

Apr 10, 2012 20:57

There were two shows for today's Kabuki.
...and the first day of Yara's Douke. Shonichi omedetou gozaimasu, Yara kun~
...and no SHOCK by the way since today is an off day~

Yesterday, there was this girl whose seat was on the right side so she could see everything behind curtain on the left side of the stage.
So, it was during REVENGER performance where she saw this one guy was like, "Here? Is this position okay? Can I go out now? Can I go now?" hesitating about the time for his appearance. So, the girl was like "What's wrong with this guy! You should remember the time for you to go out by your own!"

...and so she went again today and wanted to check who was the guy last night and, it turned to be, no one else other than The King of Happening, NODA YUYA! *Clapping*

Speech Intro

Tsu: Someone, please give me some of your height. (Morning show)
Iwamoto: I want to give some of my height to some one! (Side eying Tsu kun)
Tackey: Give me that height!
IwaPi's smile disappeared as soon as Tackey said so because he wanted to give it to Tsu kun XD

Sho: This year is Dragon Year. This year too that TheyBudou stand on the stage.
Tsu: The center pillar of TheyBudou, Eda Tsuyoshi. (Evening show)
Ryo: I want to grow up bigger, like Yara kun. Ops! (Sticks tongue)
Ryu: I keep drinking coffee a lot that my face is getting darker, Takahashi Ryu. (Evening show)

Takizawa Dressing Room Scene

Ryota brought kimono.
So Taiga asked him, "Do you want me to help you put on the kimono?"
Ryo replied "No, I can wear it by myself" and Taiga asked again "Let me put it on you!'

Tsu kun, Eisaku and Noeru's tea meeting XD
Noeru was about to 'pour' tea for Tsu kun, so Tsu kun said "You're too close!" then Noeru came closer and 'poured' the tea 'on' Tsu kun and Tsu said "It's hot!"


Kouta's role is the role Miyadate brought last year.
His dialogue was very long but he said it with a very S feeling ♥ while holding tight his sword - SO COOL~~~
Kyaaaannnn~~ Kouta Oujisama~~~ *Flails* Eru wants to see ittttt!!!! >_________<

...and he got a good role; like he'd be the last person on stage to be killed by Tackey

...but OTZ ... He almost stumbled when he went out to kill Tackey XD Kakko warui! That should be a very cool role as an assassint but you stumbled, Kouta!? XD

Some part of Yuya's deltoid was revealed and it was so sexy XD

Mostly Kouta got the roles that Yukihiro brought last year

Dialogues before dying
Kento: Is this the end of me? It can't be real!!
Taiga: What? What's this!? For what sake we're fighting? How much do you get if you cut me off? It's worst that you're fighting for money! (In nuance)

The drunken Tsu sat on a higher place and flipping his legs while drinking sake - So cute!

There's a miss for Tsuyoshi today.
Tsu and Ryo should be dead already but the stage was lifted down for Tsu only but then it was lifted up back, and Ryota was seen dead at another place, than the one he first died at.
(Someone complained saying it could cause an injury)

So, the dead Tsu was lifted down, leaving Ryota alone. His role should be ended already so, he didn't know the timing for sword fight scene and when Sakuma, Ryu and Tackey were fighting, he kept staying there as a dead body. >___< Kawaii~

Everyone was laughing at Yuya's behavior. He must be doing something happening again XD

Taiga did not harmonize with others during Revenger

Shota's back flip was better and higher today, than yesterday

Ike chan's voice was very big and loud during Masakado scene

Ryota: We got this work, Hachiro! Let's go!
Tsu: OU!! (Cutely)

Someone met 4U. at a massage place and she said they were very beautiful, like models and were very close to each other.

...and sorry, no reports for Douke because most of my t-list went to watch Kabuki.
But tomorow, there might be reporters in Douke for news clips.

Source: twitter, weibo

-xtheybudou: takahashi ryu, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, -unit: made, -uchuusix: matsumoto kota, -unit: theybudou, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, -made: akiyama taiga, -unit: "mad", -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.), reports: others, -made: tomioka kento, -uchuusix: hayashi shota, reports: stageplay, -unit: mad, -ma: yara tomoyuki, -xmad: noda yuya

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