26 things I've learned so far....

Feb 02, 2013 12:14

Since I was a kid, I had a particular liking to learning new things. It didn't matter if I learned it from books, from TV, or from my teachers in school; the only thing that mattered was that I learned something new.

Now that I've graduated from schooling for almost four years, I found that important lessons are never found in books nor are they found in the classroom. Sometimes, we learn them in an excruciatingly slow way. Sometimes, we learn them while relaxing in a coffee shop. However, we need to open our minds and hearts in order for us to find the lesson in our everyday lives.

Here are some of the things I learned while going through my daily life:

1. No matter what happens, if you're going to deal with a lot of chili, wear plastic gloves. They'd bring hell to your hands if you don't.

2. My parents taught me that if you want something (and it's not illegal), fight for it. Do not follow what others dictate; fight for what you believe will make you happy because, in the end, it's just you.

3. I was taught that Japanese curry goes very well with kimchi, but graham crackers will never blend well with cream cheese.

4. A girl can eat thrice as much as she normally does when she's about to have her period.

5. Listening to music alone is nice. Listening to it with friends is way much better.

6. You can expand your world by meeting new people through your interests.

7. We will meet different kinds of people in this world. Some of them will just pass by your life, some will probably stay a little longer, some will bring storms into your life, a few would probably make birds sing, but a few would definitely stay until the end. Find those few people, they are the ones who will matter most in your life.

8. Be thankful for whatever little thing you have.  Yes, be thankful for instant noodles.

9. I was taught by most of my friends that ''you are who you are. What others say doesn't really matter''.

10. Listening to music early in the morning will probably make your day better. However, choose the songs wisely.

11. As long as you have people who care about you, things will be okay.

12. Simple things can bring more happiness compared to more extravagant things.

13. My boss taught me that bosses can be monsters, but they just want you to be so much better (and that they just want to be monsters).

14. People skills are important if you want to get something from other people. However, I think being more sincere and honest is the way to go.

15. Let go of your pride. Things will look so much better.

16. Smile every morning. Smile before talking on the phone. Smile when you feel bad. Smile when you're angry.

17. Never change yourself for someone else.

18. Some people are just born to do something, and they seem to know it the moment they were born. Unfortunately, most of us still have to find what we were really meant to do on this chaotic world. You're not alone in the race to find your life purpose. After all, I guess we're all participants in 'The Find-Your-Purpose Race'.

19. Some people can be really negative, but don't let them affect you. Love them, they might try to be a little less negative.

20. Sunrise and sunset are two of the most beautiful things in the world.

21. If you're going through the most problematic days of your life, just remember that somewhere out there, someone is struggling with something worse. Be thankful that you're still alive and that you can hope for a better tomorrow. Be thankful for hope.

22. Stay healthy, but it's okay to be unhealthy occasionally.

23. Love yourself, but do not be narcissistic.

24. Give to others the same kind of care you got from other people.

25. Never apologize for who you are.

26. You are loved. 

lessons, life, loved, positivity

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