Dec 14, 2010 03:31

‘mm, yes, oh god,’ wes moans, voice hitching, ‘yes, like that, oh god yessss.’ eyes rolling behind closed lids, he shifts restlessly against the couch cushions, hands clutched around the wooden handle of his gavel.

david, humming ‘joy to the world’ to himself as he strolls into the warblers’ conference room, spins on his heels and strolls back out.

there are some things in this world he never wants to know.
71 words and not nearly long enough for its own post, but i need it off my ling notes, ohmygod, the thought of my ling prof + this sort of stuff is mortifying like you would not believe.

the things i do when i'm actively not-studying, sighhhh.

ohmygod i don't have a glee tag whut, the pen is mightier than the sword, wtf is up with my life, i don't even know anymore, ohmygod does this mean i need a porn tag, ficbits, sometimes i wonder about myself, rule 34 guys

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