
Dec 21, 2012 14:31

Wishing you all a peaceful and pleasant Christmas (or a festively frenetic one, if that's your preference) and a very happy new year.

I'll try to be around more, next year. (I think I always say that. But I really mean it; honest.)


I'm in usual pre-holiday panic mode. As a displacement activity, I have just send my first ever postcrossing postcard, to someone in Novosibirsk, Siberia. If it arrives safely and the recipient registers the receipt with Postcrossing, then I will become eligible to receive a postcard from almost anywhere in the world. What a brilliant idea; I can't believe I didn't know about it before now, as I heard of bookcrossing years ago, but not postcrossing. It would be a wonderful thing for children to do, to learn more about the world.

For my future reference - worldwide postage stamps (for postcards) are 87p - the same as for Europe. (Beyond Europe used to be more expensive until the latest postal price hikes.) I have several "Europe" postage stamps - I wonder if I could use them for an address on the other side of the world or would there be a problem? Maybe I'll as Royal Mail. Interestingly, the whole of Russia counts as "Europe", even the far, far East.

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