Updating ~~~
So school's been doing fine. My dad's shunning me and suddenly my brother is now friends with every single one of my friends.
So about school, i've officially gotten all ten bugs for the insect project, now I just gotta pin them and label them, etc etc. Algebra II, well I failed my review test so I'm bringing my grade up with homework and hopefully with the upcoming test(s). US History i'm doing fine in, we're just learning about the Indians, the great plains, cowboys and such. During my presentation of the Sand Creek Massacre a couple of days ago, I saw a tape on Mr Andersons desk called "far and away" and I wanted so badly to ask Mr Murrayanderson (for the fact that I never call him mr anderson in my mind, it's always mr murray o.O) if I could borrow it or something since i've been wanting to see it again for a while. You Are 50% Extrovert, 50% Introvert
You're a bit outgoing, a bit reserved
Like most people, you enjoy being social
But you also value the time you have alone
You have struck a good balance!
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