Mihara News 2009 *updated 12/13*

Nov 28, 2009 16:41

*Note: I'm reposting it, so the post come to the front page. XD

Like I said in the previous post, I will separate those "news" by year or the post will get too extensive.

- 2008 "news" here.

January 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) February Edition - In sale january 08 - Shigeshoushi chapter 33

February 2009:
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) March Edition - In sale february 13 - Doku Hime chapter 33

March 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) Abril Edition - In sale march 07 - Cover illustration and Shigeshoushi chapter 34
- Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.32 (Index Communications) - Cover illustration
- Kera Maniax Vol.12 (Index Communications) - Nurie (those image for collouring) illustration
- Puff 2009 april edition (Zassosha) - Mangaka Big Enquete (I believe it's a questionnaire with 180 names where they ask you wich is your favorite mangaka and Mihara-sensei is in the list)
Feel Young Cover:

And a little image from the Feel Young website:

Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.32 cover:

Bigger version of GLB cover here. (1740x2498)

April 2009:
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) March Edition - In sale april 14 - Doku Hime chapter 34
- Edition 4 of Doku Hime expected to be out in this year (japanese) summer!! Yay~ :D

May 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) June Edition - In sale may 08 - Shigeshoushi chapter 35
Wow... May already! Well, Mihara-sensei's website haven't been updated yet, so maybe I will edit it again with more "news". (If there's any...) Erm... I wonder if everyone is seeing that I'm always uptating this. o_o'
Now we can see an preview of Feel Young contents at their website, so here is the opening colour image of Shigeshoushi (The Embalmer) chapter 35:

Mihara-sensei's website haven't been updated yet, I wonder if she's too busy... But I just found that she did the cover of Gothic & Lolita Bible again:
- Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.33 (Index Communications) - In sale 25 may - Cover illustration
Here is the image, Amazon is really lovely lately always uploading big images of GLB covers. ^__^

Larger image here (1762x2497).

Oh... And it seems that Aerandria will be scanlating Doku Hime. :D

June 2009:
The website finally is updated! Mihara must be dedicating very much in the production of the edition 4 of Doku Hime.
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) July Edition - In sale june 13 - Due to the preparation of the edition 4, Doku Hime will take a break this month. According to what I had read in blogs they announced in the magazine that Doku Hime 4 will released on august 7th and that Doku Hime will be back on the next issue of the magazine (that will be out on august too).

July 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) August Edition - In sale june 08 - Due to bad physical condition Shigeshoushi will take a break too. :( I suppose that this wasn't planned to happen and in previous Feel Young edition, Shigeshoushi was scheduled to appear in this issue. Mihara-sensei apologized to everyone who was waiting for it. The next appearance is scheduled to the october edition of Feel Young that comes out in september.
*A little note: I don't have access to those things since I don't purchase the magazines and it's not written in their websites, but in every edition there's a part where they say what will published on the next edition. Doku Hime probably wasn't scheduled to next edition of Nemuki while Shigeshoushi was but haven't been published.
Some magazines say what's scheduled for the next edition in their websites like Betsuma, Flowers, Cookie, Melody, Ribon, Hana to Yume and many others... Feel Young and Nemuki websites are really precarious. :P Oh, and the text must be full of erros, I'm really sorry, I have the impression my english is getting worse everyday. -_-'""

(July.30) Doku Hime 4 is already avaible for pre-order in many japanese online selling websites. Amazon have a big picture of the cover:

Bigger version of the cover here (1425x2021).Edit (08.06): Doku Hime is out today (in Japan it's already 7th) and there's a preview of 10 pages in Asahi Shinbun's website:

August 2009:
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) September Edition - In sale august 13 - Doku Hime chapter 36 (Hm... I think it's wrong, it should be chapter 35. But that's what written on Mihara's website) and color opening page
- Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.34 (Index Communications) - In sale 24 august - Cover illustration
I didn't find a bigger image of the cover this time, sorry... ._.

September 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) October Edition - In sale september 08 - Shigeshoushi chapter 36
Opening page of Shigeshoushi/The Embalmer avaible in Feel Young website:

There's also a little image in Feel Young official blog of Shinjurou confessing to Azuki: (Yeah, it's a spoiler. XD)

- Kera Maniax Vol.13 (Index Communications) - Nurie (those image for collouring) illustration>

October 2009:
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) November Edition - In sale october 13 - Doku Hime chapter 37 (Hm~~~ It's me who missed something or Mihara's still posting it wrong? O_O)

27th october: I was searching for some things at Amazon.jp and what a surprise! Shigeshoushi (The Embalmer) edition 6 is avaible for pre-order. It's out 7th november.
The cover is avaible. Bigger version (1745x2513) here.

There's preview of 4 pages of edition 6 in Feel Young's website:

Also, I don't remember sharing this, but it's a preview from edition 5:

November 2009:
- Feel Young (Shodensha) December Edition - In sale november 07 - Shigeshoushi chapter 37
Opening image of Shigeshoushi/The Embalmer chapter 37 from Feel Young's website:

- Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.35 (Index Communications) - In sale 24 november - Cover illustration

Edit (11/27): There's a short interview with Mihara at Feel Young website.
I tranlated it and you can read it here.
Also, there's a posting in the Feel Young's official blog, where they posted some drawings of Mihara. She does them in the sack where she sends the pages of her works:

Edit 12/05: I was searching for informations of edition 4 of Doku Hime and I just found this image. It seems that the next edition of Doku Hime will be the last one. :O So the story will have 5 editions. Also, I read in a blog that in the end of the edition it says that *possible spoiler* "3 will disappear and 1 one will be left" *possible spoiler*. I can't wait for my copy to arrive, HMV will ship it with my Namie cd 16th. >_<"

December 2009:
- Nemuki (Asahi Shinbunsha) January 2010 Edition - In sale 13th december - Doku Hime chapter 38 (?)

Plus: Now Nemuki have a blog updated by the editors of the magazine. They annouced that they will giving ecobags with illustrations of the authors of the magazine to 48 readers. Here is Mihara's ecobag:

scans, news

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