Actually I'm just procrastinating. Surprise, surprise!
Hey, I've just spent like 20 euro on frozen spinach lasagna, nuts and sherry wine for holiday celebrations. I don't have money for today's newspaper, but hey, it's free on the internet! And I just found a very amusing article on the NY Times: It's called "Anarchists in the Aisles", and it's about the opposite of shoplifting: shop dropping!
Personally, I'd love finding an anarchist action figure in the toy section. With Molotov cocktails included!
"At BookPeople in Austin, Tex., local authors have been putting bookmarks advertising their own works in books on similar topics. At Mac’s Backs Paperbacks, a used bookstore in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, employees are dealing with the influx of shopdropped works by local poets and playwrights by putting a price tag on them and leaving them on the shelves."
Well, if no-one's going to publish it for you anyway- why not? The point is that someone gets to read your texts.
"At Powell’s Books in Portland, Ore., religious groups have been hitting the magazines in the science section with fliers featuring Christian cartoons, while their adversaries have been moving Bibles from the religion section to the fantasy/science-fiction section."
This one's the best. No- wait:
"This week an arts group in Oakland, the Center for Tactical Magic, began shopdropping neatly folded stacks of homemade T-shirts into Wal-Mart and Target stores in the San Francisco Bay Area. The shirts feature radical images and slogans like one with the faces of Karl Marx, Che Guevara and Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist. It says, “Peace on Earth. After we overthrow capitalism.”"
You said it! And how about this:
"One of the first reports of shopdropping was in 1989, when a group called the Barbie Liberation Organization sought to make a point about sexism in children’s toys by swapping the voice hardware of Barbie dolls with those in GI Joe figures before putting the dolls back on store shelves."
LOL. People can be so creative and funny sometimes. It makes life worth living.
Happy... whatever, everyone! Please consume with caution this holidays! (And get me a COMMUNIST POWER MAO ZEDONG action figure if you can find it!)