Oct 23, 2009 21:29
I'm maybe just a wee bit monofannish, so Yuletide is always a big leap of faith for me. I'm planning on signing up for everything I can imagine writing, but I suffer pangs of anxiety at wondering if I can actually write any of the fandoms I'm signing up for.
So I'm taking prompts for the fandoms I'm thinking of volunteering for! Give me pairings or characters (slash between the names indicates a pairing, otherwise I'll assume gen) and a 1-5 word prompt, and I'll see if I can write you a drabble. Drabbles may be very rough or unresearched, for which I apologize in advance!
Fandoms I'm considering, in alphabetical order:
Astro City (although really I can only write Samaritan, Confessor, Altar Boy and Winged Victory)
Blakes 7
Boston Legal
Blue Beetle
Chi's Sweet Home
The Decemberists--The Hazards of Love (album)
Doctor 13--Architecture and Morality
Dungeons and Dragons (cartoon)
Fairy Tales (I can riff on just about any of them)
Galaxy Quest
Georgette Heyer--An Infamous Army
Guy Gavriel Kay--The Fionavar Tapestry
Julian May - Exiles Saga and Galactic Milieu
L. Frank Baum--Oz Series
L.M. Montgomery--Anne of Green Gables series
L.M. Montgomery--Emily of New Moon series
Lloyd Alexander--Prydain series
Mythology--Greek and Roman (again, I can riff on almost anything)
Neil Gaiman--Graveyard Book
Rocket Science (movie)
Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Susan Cooper--The Dark is Rising Series
If you see anything that piques your interest, shoot me a prompt and give my muses a workout!