Clarity of Purpose, Chap. 4

Jun 24, 2014 11:10

Title: Clarity of Purpose, Chap. 4
Chapter Summary: Thorin and Bilbo travel to Moria and are shown the wonders within by Balin, who rules there.
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf, Balin, Dwalin
Fandom: Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. Begins in 2968, twenty-six years after the events of "Clarity of Vision" ( Read more... )

ch: dwalin, ch: bilbo baggins, series: clarity of vision, ch: thorin oakenshield, fandom: hobbit, ch: balin, ch: gandalf

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navaan June 24 2014, 07:45:52 UTC
Oh Thorin building gardens in Erebor and Bilbo feeling all sad and conflicted, because he hadn't come to see them was really touching. Poor Bilbo still hasn't realized the extend of the rings influence.

It's really interesting how this world is so different because of all the slight changes to the timeline, but still so recognizable.

Saruman! Now this will be interesting!


mithen June 24 2014, 14:03:47 UTC
Poor Bilbo still hasn't realized the extend of the rings influence.

I know, and Thorin hasn't realized exactly how much Bilbo has taken it to heart, and...grrr.

It's really interesting how this world is so different because of all the slight changes to the timeline, but still so recognizable.

Isn't it fun? Saruman is actually a good example...not "out" as a villain, yet probably too far gone to be redeemed at this point... I spent a lot of time poring over genealogies and making notes about who would be what age about now!  *bounces happily* I'm thrilled you're enjoying!


navaan June 25 2014, 08:21:21 UTC
Saruman at the end was like the icing on the cake. I'm now very much looking forward to what he's trying to pull and how this "fellowship" will come together and deal with it. Especially looking forward to all the people they might meet along the way. *beams*


mithen June 26 2014, 12:47:43 UTC
Hehehe, Saruman showing up was great fun to write! He and the dwarves hit it off just great, in some ways, of course...

I can hardly wait to get them out on the road, to be honest! It'll take a while to get everyone there and get the wheels turning, but eventually they'll get moving... *taps foot impatiently*


navaan June 26 2014, 13:12:13 UTC
I can hardly wait to get them out on the road, to be honest! It'll take a while to get everyone there and get the wheels turning, but eventually they'll get moving... *taps foot impatiently*

Good luck with that! I'm working my way through the second Reverse Bang fic setting up pieces so I'll get to that scene that I want to write desperately. ;) Writing, huh?


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