Scans: Batman/Superman #2

Aug 02, 2013 22:56

Batman/Superman #2:  Written by Greg PAK;  Art by Jae LEE

When last we left out intrepid heroes, they had been punching it out when an unknown entity called the Trickster suddenly teleported them to what seems to be Earth-2, where Clark (I'll call him Clark-Nu) meets Earth-2's older Batman (Bruce-2) and proceeds to transfer the punching to him, until suddenly he realizes his parents (dead in the DCnU) are standing there.

Issue #2 is a bit frustrating, because it starts with Trickster deciding to zap Clark-2 in to replace Bruce-2, with the result being that no version of Clark or Bruce actually interact in this issue, it's all Clark-Clark and Bruce-Bruce (and I almost typed Clark/Clark and Bruce/Bruce, and now I'm thinking about selfcest and foursomes, and I AM NOT SURE I WANT TO GO THERE).

Ahem.  Clark-Nu appeals to his father, who startles him by being horrified that he was trying to beat up "the bat-thing":

Clark-2 then arrives and everyone decides that punching sounds like a fun way to communicate:


Ma Kent intercedes and intuits that Clark-Nu must have lost his parents at a younger age, which calms Clark-Nu down enough that he and Clark-2 are able to talk a bit.

Meanwhile, in the Batcave, Bruce-2 returns home and realizes that his younger self has entered the cave and taken his wife--Selina--hostage, leading to Selina delivering the line that best sums up my feelings:

You tell them, Selina.

The art in this issue is amazing--eerie and strange and dreamlike.  LOTS of striking silhouettes.  Not everyone's cup of tea, but it gives the title a VERY distinctive look, and I like that.  Perhaps the high point is the Batman-Batman fight in the misty cave:

With both of the Nu Boys calmed down, Bruce-Nu sits down to tea with Bruce-2 and Selina-2, while Clark-Nu travels to Metropolis and meets Clark-2's wife...Lois.  At which point Diana shows up on a pegasus and Clark-Nu drools a lot, and Diana attacks Lois to reveal that she was possessed by the Trickster.

I'm a bit frustrated that every "hero" in the book (both Clarks and Bruces and Diana)'s first reaction to ANY situation seems to be to punch it, but I'm hoping that's a temporary thing.  More to the point, now that Clark and Bruce have met, and Clark has met Diana...these characters no longer fit with the version of their first meeting as laid out in Johns's Justice League two years ago at ALL.  This is either one of the quickest retcons in comic-book history or (and I think this is more likely) Clark and Bruce are going to end up with their memories wiped when they go back.  Which is a bit frustrating as well, but does fix my "fated friends" gripe fairly well, so I don't think I'd mind it that much (plus then there's fic about them slowly getting their memories back as they start to become friends naturally)...

ch: selina kyle, ch: bruce wayne, scans: s/b, ch: clark kent, ch: jonathan kent

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