On the same group I mention below "The Edge of Knowledge" on Myspace, there have been ongoing discussions every now and then on Loose Change.
I tossed my perspective into the hat, here it goes, I apologize in advance for what happens when I get started, I just keep going like the damn Energizer bunny and it doesn't matter what time it is in the morning when I stop. I literally feel like I can't help myself...
If you want to truly refute something, why don't you watch it, then take the information in, compare it to what you already know, and reflect upon it.
I never understand why people see something on TV and believe they are seeing everything.
Google Video - Loose Change 2nd Edition Most often things in the news are consolidated for you, and there are agendas out there, and varying perspectives, to think otherwise is foolish, it would be nice of me to think that everyone and everything is pure and good about the media and our country, but time and time again we really have proven that is not the case.
Does this make me anti-American to think like this? You would have to be stupid to think so. People died so we would have the right to discuss whatever we want, whenever we want, and these rights are now slowly being taken away from us.
But right after 9/11 was I anything other than completely infatuated with patriotism just like almost everyone else? Of course not. Having lived on Long Island my entire life, I felt personally attacked. Having been to the top of the buildings that fell as a child, I felt hurt that those landmarks were taken away from me. I own an American Flag, I tied it to a hockey stick, I marched up and down near where I live where cars would pass, I wanted to lift peoples spirits, I wanted people to not feel vulnerable, and quite simply, I didn't know what else I could do at the time and I really wanted to help.
But after the initial shock, and how disgustingly we were forced into a war in Iraq (it is for the future of our country by the way, but not in ways that you would feel comfortable with if you knew the truth of it. Honestly, I just hate being lied to, but it would piss too many people off if some things were said in the open too often, even if those that would stand against us obviously know what they are dealing with.)
Moving on...
Just some common sense...
Not every conspiracy theory has to be false because it is a theory.
Not every conspiracy theory has to be true either.
What Loose Change does do, is bring up very valid and simple questions. The questions if answered would ease those who have seen the film and do want the same questions answered.
Does Loose Change have all of the answers, is Loose Change 100% valid, of course not, but if it has an agenda, for now it isn't for anything other than for maybe some profit and mostly just to have people think before they jump to conclusions. If it becomes some kind of film release (which I highly doubt will ever happen) then maybe one could say they were at it to make money from the get go. But the fact that they authorize you to freely duplicate, distribute, and hold viewings of it free of charge, at leasts says that they are either very forward looking as far as when they will make their money, or they are indeed interested in the content getting out. Now if someone can find some background on the creators and find why they may have some kind of agenda, I truly do want to hear it, because I don't know anything about them personally, and therefore cannot judge their POV properly.
Having said that...
3 videos of whatever hit the Pentagon (I say that because, I never "SAW" anything hit the Pentagon, and because of this I do have some questions I would like answered) were taken from a hotel nearby, a gas station surveillance camera, and a DOT camera nearby. These videos were supposedly taken. Only 5 frames were released to the public. None of which showed me a plane or a missle, but definitely a huge explosion. All I want to see is, if there is more, I want to see more, and I don't think as an American that it is asking too much to say that.
I want to know right now, if any of you had a close friend or relative on any of the 4 hijacked planes. I mean really, let's use Myspace for some good here, if someone you knew was on one of those planes and you have lost contact with them since that date, I really do want to hear from you, honestly that would answer a lot of doubts for me.
The fact that the coroner reports no bodies at all in Pennsylvania disturbs me as well. Not having seen a single drop of blood. If anybody actually knows that coroner I would like to hear of them as well. Was the movie stating facts or fiction?
As for the towers, I was deeply upset by what I saw that day. I didn't have time to think, we all thought we were under attack, we were all waiting for the next terrible thing to happen. We weren't about to question what we were seeing at the time or any official reports of what we did not. That does not mean you are unpatriotic to question any of this now. We are not stepping on the graves of the fallen, those people died, as far as I am concerned they died for this country, and I sure as hell want to make sure that each and every one of the people that died that day knows that we did what was our duties as Americans to make sure that all of the proper questions were asked, and that our due diligence as human beings to seek out the truth of every single thing that went wrong or right that day was found out. I want to know every possibility, I want to hear reports from 100s of different agencies, I don't want to keep hearing the same stories linked to only a few companies and a few agencies, that makes me sick. I want broad research done, I don't want to keep seeing the same people interviewed, I want to know why some people changed their words within weeks,
I want to know why, I'm sick of all of you who aren't asking questions because you feel it is either too scary or that you somehow just know the truth because you say so. The burden of proof in on ALL OF US. For those that died that day. Don't you dare spit on their graves and tell someone who is asking questions about it that they are just wrong because you say so or because of what you saw on TV. Those people that died are owed more than ignorance. Ask every damn question you can and expect to hear every answer, you owe it to those who died and you owe to yourself.
Don't just swallow the news, read the conspiracies, read people coming from different POVs, don't just toss it down because it is different or an opposing view. Why do you think there is so much division in our world, it's becaus we are so unwilling to think outside of our own happy little world views, we are unwilling to think how other people may live or be, we are unwilling to think, period.
Here if you want to see some reasons for certain geopolitical policies, read this book. Actually read for information. I have no idea why it takes 4-6 weeks to just GET this book from Amazon. But it will come, and no, I don't know the author, and I am only still reading the book, but it will show you how policies shaped the world we all live in.
A Century Of War : Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (Paperback) Honestly, take the time to watch the video, take the time to read the book. Even take the time to read the 9/11 Commission Report. Get BOTH sides of the story. You will notice patterns, get information from differing perspectives, try to keep your prejudices aside. Be logical. Be intuitive. Be careful. Be safe.
Always remember to reference your references. Always remember your storyteller's POV. Take all information, what you read, what you see with an ounce of skepticism. Know your sources as best as you can. Read behind the lines. Sometimes the truth is just what it is. Sometimes the truth is hidden. I beg of you to at least want to look for the differences that are sometimes there and sometimes not. Don't oversimplify everything, give yourselves a lot more credit than that.
Thanks if you got to this point. Try to keep the discussion as open minded as possible.