Yesterday, GC track went to Manchester for our last track meet until Conference.
I'm currently ranked... 4th, I think in the conference.
Manchester is a small meet usually, and javelin is cafeteria style (go in when you're ready... it's open from 11am to 1pm - fit it in between other events). I've just been focusing on javelin and hammer this season.
So, I'm pretty emotionally and physical worn out at this point in the semester - sore muscles, weary from the pace of student athletics. Friday night, I tried to sleep early and get a full night of sleep. Due to a small group of laughing, singing women in the kitchen and very thin walls, I only got about 4 hours of sleep. maybe 5. Definitely not enough sleep for before a track meet. I should have gone out and said something, but I didn't want to because there's been a lot of tension in the apartment and... yeah. i guess i'm afraid of confrontation.
Woke up at 7:30 for pre-meet breakfast at Lux Cafe with the throwers. Left for Manchester between 8:45 and 9. Napped on the short bus ride. Got to the meet around 10:15 and weighed in the implements, got some track food (aka. quick carbs [granola bars, pop tarts, cookies, fruit] and sandwiches for the entire meet) then warmed up for jav.
First throw for a mark: scratch because it hit tail-first
Second throw for a mark: 29.something m (5 meters under my career best)
Third throw for a mark: 29.somethingfurther m (again, way under my best. under 100 feet)
Fourth and final throw: 34.7 m .....and a foul because I stepped on the foul line - an arched metal bar that *clinks!* when the metal of jav spikes hit - the sound that occurred on my follow-through-step (would have been a new personal best)
But... no one threw further, so I got first place somehow! And all 1st place winners get a free t-shirt!
Hammer was pretty bad - I was 20 feet under what I was throwing 2 weeks ago.
But, I mean... the factors against me yesterday - I was tired and it was chilly and very windy yesterday but also very sunny. I'm now slightly sunburned and definitely wind-chafed. I napped between jav and hammer, but it didn't really help much. I brought homework, but didn't do any of it. After hammer was over, we watched the men throw, then watched the men's 4x4, then we went home!
Manchester, being a small meet, is also a short meet, so we got home before the sun set yesterday!!!
Got back and coach took everyone who wanted to go to Ponderosa - all you can eat, AVI-Fresh Quality, cafeteria style food.
Haha, I ate SO MUCH food yesterday!
Then after Ponderosa, the throwers (not everyone.. 6 of us went) had our traditional
at Deanna's Family's Farm! I love that place. We did hotdogs and burgers and typical campfire food... then saw the cows - petted a few, saw the bull... and left when it started scraping the ground. Jess, Eric, and I milked one of the cows :-D I milked a cow! Wooooooo! We also went on the rope swing and I got rope burn that made my hands bleed >_<
We went back to the fire to keep hanging out with D's boyfriend ;-)'s Aaron, they met at the State Fair showing cows ;-) and he's got a fun sense of humor (last night was the first Aaron met some of D's friends, and she wants to know what we think of him - personally, I think they're great for each other!). D's brother (who hardly spoke all night - introverted Junior) and his girlfriend (extroverted Stephanie [she was fun!]) were hanging out too.
Before we left, we all went star-tipping. hehehe. Yeah. Best game ever in the country :-)
{spin around in circles while looking up at one star (or I sometimes just look at one constellation) until someone shines a light in your eyes then you drop like a sack of potatoes! ...except Matt and Eric managed to stay standing}
Man... that was a fun night.
I then slept until 1:30pm today and have been spending my waking time taking out compost, packing boxes in my room, and catching up on a day's worth of email and trying not to think about upcoming finals until after dinner.