15 pictures from 1999-2001:
stylized portrait in conte - my friend adriana
stylized portrait in conte - erin (
deadpool_ india ink rendering of a greco-roman sculpture. his nose was missing thats why it looks weird.
preliminary idea for my eciad admissions special project - map your week (i did paper dolls)
self portrait acrylic on canvas - the text in the background reads "self absorbed". tongue in cheek.
erin in the bg, frankie "drinking" a slushy
frankie used to be trixie's surrogate big sister.
when i moved to winnipeg frankie used to wander around meowing and looking for trixie :(
me and trixie. she is so cute!!!!
aww... tiny.
total astroboy nerd. i was so proud of this shirt. i have 3 A.B shirts.
ugh.. dunno, rockabilly phase O_O. cherries, hotrod flames... gross.
this is ooold... and a picture of a picture. 1999 i think, christmas prom... i had redhair and i was wearing this silk brocade dress my mom wore to her grade 13 formal.
dunno wtf is up with my eyebrows here.
i wore those stupid bracelets for like 2 years.
i paid all my bills and spent some money at M•A•C. wee.