Only my fellow WoWheads will understand this entry but I just had to get it off my chest.
So I want the
Swift Warstrider mount for my Druid. Since the mount restriction has been lifted I decided that my cow would indeed look hilariously awesome riding on a chicken. Upon checking her currency tab I realized I only needed three more Alterac Valley marks and I would be good to go. So I queue up.
I enter the battleground and the first thing I see on my screen is, "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS - GET OFF THE FIELD OF STRIFE!" I immediately think 'Oooh, this is gonna be goood...>>;' At that moment we were outnumbering the Alliance by about eleven people - and we could not, for the life of us, down Bal. Why? Because there were no tanks, about thirty healers and one Allie rogue who would stealth around the bunker killing everyone before they could kill the boss. I was also one of approximately three level 70s.
Eventually - MIRACULOUSLY - we finally kill her; and every single one of us dies in the process. So we rez at the graveyard...and they proceed to run back to the field of strife and the bunker we JUST finished with [where, of course, they all died again because Mr. Rogue was happy to continue picking them off]. Somehow we made it to the first Alliance graveyard. And capped it - YAY! ...and then decided to stay there and camp any Alliance that rezzed at it completely forgetting about, you know, THE REST OF THE MATCH!?
Finally the WoW gods had mercy upon us and the match ended. Needless to say we lost miserably. And I once again must thank the Cyclone battlegroup for reminding me of how much I despise PVP. I really did not think we could get any worse from the last time I did BGs. I was so terribly, terribly wrong.
...just two more marks, just two more marks, just two more marks...