Nov 04, 2006 20:48
The LJ downtime made me realize just how much of my internet usage is invested in LiveJournal. Like, craploads of my time. I'll estimate that at least a third of the sites I regularly visit are either Friends' Lists, my RPG journals, or communities. I felt so deprived, ha ha. I couldn't figure out what else to do for a while because of the lack of LJ. Maaaan, I need a life like whoa.
Erm, not much else to say really. I went ToTing as the "designated adult" with Tay-face, Brent-face, Sis, and Beni, who was tagging along for the halibut, and nothing particularly interesting happened on that except this one lady looked at us through the door windows, freaked out, and turned the lights off trying to pretend she never saw us. O.o;; Your stealth ninja skills fail you, lady. Believe it.
Mmm, just got out of a lovely, four-hour long Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2 playing spree. That game seriously never gets old for me. Especially whenever Neji and Lee are put against each other, oh teh yaoi. XP
rock lee