It's not autumn weather yet, but it's nice out and there's even a light breeze. I was thinking of doing some exercise hooping in the backyard, but why spend the time outside in one place when I can enjoy the weather biking around the neighborhood? Besides, my waist hurts from last night's 30-minute session. So much for trying to keep in shape. Haven't hooped in probably months. The thing's made of heavy irrigation piping, so yeah, ouch. Just have to get in the habit of doing it again, orz.
Probably going to go to Brandon mall looking for "Now hiring" signs because man, do I need a job. After that, heading back to my old college to see a visiting writer read. The event's open to public, but I still feel weird about going when I'll likely run into old classmates and professors who'll want to know what a college grad like me is doing now. And um, if you know me, you know I don't want to answer that question because they're not going to get a remotely impressive answer. But bah, I'll just have to suck up my embarrassment or something. Or just not go, but I don't really want to skip out on it just to protect my meager pride.
Random question: do you have to pay to use Bluetooth? I'd guess no, or else you'd have to cough out extra money just to use one of those headsets, but just want to make sure since this is my first Bluetooth-capable phone.
Oh, and
How's My Driving? Meme
even though I've been quiet the past two weeks in my main game and the other two are smaller.