Happy New Year Everyone!

Jan 02, 2009 10:53

Not such a good start to 2009 for me though.... was stupid enough to leave my phone in a taxi on wednesday night, so if I've neglected to respond to any Happy New Year texts, this is why! I'm not being intentially rude, honest.

So I'm phoneless at the moment and feeling very cross with myself! Saying that, I am still hoping that I'll get it back because someone texted one of my friends from it to say that they had found it and asking where they could return it to. She had advised them to hand it in to where she works and she'd return it to me (she didn't want to give a stranger my home address), although, when I called my mobile, it was turned off so whoever has it won't be able to turn it back on again because I have passcode set up that you have to enter to access my SIM so hopefully they got my friend's message. If not, I hope they have the sense to hand it in as lost property to the taxi company. Fingers crossed. I don't want to have to buy a new one cos although I can transfer my old number over, I would have lost all my contacts and pics etc. Gaaaah!!

Apart from that, everything else is fine. Less than a week to go til the BF gets back from Australia :-) Yay!!!!
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