[Religion] House Musings

Feb 01, 2011 10:00

Heard this story from a friend, and would like an honest opinion on this. If you don’t want your opinion/thought to be publicised, feel free to drop me a LJ note/DM on Twitter/Facebook message.

The question is simple:

Assuming the price is right, would you buy a house which had had a dog in it? If you would, would you also buy a house where there had been religious symbols not of your religion abound? I.e. Statues of Kuan Yin, Christian pictures or Quran pictures on the walls, etc?* Why yes, why not?


*Note that the family is moving out and taking all the religious iconography with them, so the house will be empty when you receive it.

Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

religion/politics, personal, friends

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