Interlok Essays wanted!

Jan 31, 2011 11:04

Matahari Books are planning to publish a book of essays about Interlok, that controversial novel being used in the BM literature component for Form 5 students. If you want to contribute, here’s the English translation with the original Malay text at the bottom. I’m not sure what language the book is for publication, but I’m assuming Malay as that’s the original invite:

Each essay may (but not necessarily) link to any of the controversies related to the book. For example, essays about “food” or “gender” are very welcome.

Main criteria: The writer must have read Interlok in its entirety, and picked a few choice sentences/excerpts to make your point.
Length: 1,000 - 3,000 words
Deadline: 1 March 2011
Submission: WORD doc to info AT mataharibooks DOT com
Book launch: 22 April 2011 at the KL International Book Fair

Original Facebook invite:

Matahari Books ingin menerbitkan sebuah buku esei mengenai INTERLOK.

Setiap esei tidak semestinya (tapi boleh) merujuk kepada mana-mana kontroversi yang berkaitan dengan buku itu. Contohnya, esei tentang ‘makanan’ atau ‘gender’ amatlah dialu-alukan.

Syarat jika anda ingin menulis: anda seharusnya telah membaca keseluruhan INTERLOK dan memetik beberapa ayat daripada buku itu untuk menguatkan hujah anda.

Panjang 1,000 - 3,000 perkataan.
Tarikh akhir 1 Mac 2011.
Sila hantar ke dalam bentuk Word.

Pelancaran buku: 22 April di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL

Sila kongsi pelawaan ini dengan sesiapa yang mungkin berminat :-)

Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.

writing, religion/politics

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