May 01, 2009 22:05
so, want to know how to get this particular lego to give up smoking completely (since there is no smoking inside here)? make it lightning 24/7 in or around her general location. i'd either be a non-smoker within a week, or i'd get over my (highly irrational?) fear of lightning... want to know how to make lego have a heart-attack? stick her outside in the middle of a lightning storm with no shelter for at least 50 feet in either direction. why am i so scared of lightning? i don't even know. i wasn't always... it seemed to hit when i was 20... i had quite a few piercings and one night in the middle of a lightning storm i realized that i felt somewhat like a walking lightning rod... while i don't have that many piercings anymore (and piercings are very unlikely to attract lightning in the first place), i still feel like a walking lightning rod... but why? sometimes i wonder if it's from latent childhood organized religious propoganda/trauma that taught one could be smitten by lightning for being a non-believing-heathen-pagan-freak. which describes me a bit too well... *sigh*. i wish it would quit lightning... and why the hell am i sitting here writing on a lightning magnet!!!