Nov 11, 2016 16:53
Take heart, my dear friends. Even though the future is the bleakest some of us have seen, the world can change again in 4 years. Our country is fortunate in that, although we now have a buffoon running it, the toilet will flush again and we can start over.
In fact, we can start right now. Remember every day to be kind to everyone you meet - smile, be pleasant, be supportive where you can. There are going to be horrible things that happen but you don't have to be an instigator in that horror. Instead you can be the succor, the strong shoulder, the helping hand.
Step out from behind your keyboards and do something. Volunteer - if you are hale of body and limb, at the very least you can donate blood. You can build houses for the poor, help cook and serve meals to the homeless, pick up trash while you are out walking. Every small thing you do can help make this world a better place.
At most importantly, you can vote. In two years, there will be Senate seats and House of Representative seats that will be up for re-election. Every one of those that can be won back from the GOP will help restore the balance of power.
So, yes, it looks dark now. But the sun will rise tomorrow.
All my love and support to you,