Dance of the Rod

Mar 02, 2005 01:01

Dance of the Rod

Feel the whip crack my pet,
Feel your flesh ripen -
Feel the torture of a silken caress.

I make you hate me don't I, pet?
I make you want to scream...
You wish you could hit me...
You wish I would leave -
Only because the longing would be the sweetest pain you've known.
I make you love me with each touch,
Each strike.
Don't deny it, pet; we both know the truth.

Beg for my love,
Beg for my pleasure.

I laugh to see you shudder,
I cry to see you smile.
It breaks my heart to see you laugh,
Let me break your spirit -
Instead of my heart.

I'll wrap you in ribbons,
Yes, like my own private package of pain.
I'll make sure they're tight,
Make sure they bite - lovingly deep.

I'll softly kiss your lips,
And strike those same lips for trembling -
Just to kiss them once again...
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