more bad news

Oct 11, 2006 22:08

Ok so the day got off to a bad start. This morning, my aunt CC called back letting lenaf007 know that Grandma had an accident yesterday. She was getting up to answer the phone and fell, fracturing her hip. She lay there in the floor in pain until my aunt CC came home and called 911. I haven't spoken to my Grandma in over a year. With all the problems with losing the house and my parent's divorce, there's just been too much going on for me to venture out. I have been reclusive, more than usual, so much so that i haven't bothered to contact important people. I think the stress of this year has been almost too hard -- Doc dying was a big part of it but Dad is still skulking about the house moaning about not being able to leave yet because he can't lift more than 10 pounds. I'm graduating in the Spring, I should be able to focus on that and be able to go to my Grandma when she needs visitors. Aunt Kathy is coming from whatever foreign country she's been in and should be there tomorrow. Dad is lying again, trying to keep us from visiting. "She's not concious anyway. She won't know you're not there." This is his mother! He should care more than that!

I'm sorry. It's been a rough day. Then 3 hours of traffic and I get here and just can't concentrate to read for class. I forgot my printouts before leaving. I left all my cash at home. I'm a wreck.

This has been making me happy since getting here.


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